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P. 11

The Quicksplint™

                                                                                               Photo Courtesy of Dr. Brad Eli
                Facts you need to                            It always amazes me at the ingenuity when a new product is created.  The
             know about tequila                              Quicksplint™ is a great innovative idea, especially since it is an item that
                                                             helps put people out of pain.
                                                              I first came upon this unique device when I was one of those people suffer-
           During our interview I learned some very interesting   ing pain.  The doctor who helped introduce me to this item was Dr. Brad Eli,
           facts about Tequila that I just had to pass on to our read-  who holds the patent on this unique device.  I was a patient of Dr. Eli’s,
                                                             suffering from several symptoms, which led Dr. Eli to believe that this inven-
           ers. Now that we have our own delicious Tequila, we   tion would be of help in easing the suffering I was experiencing.
           should have some interesting facts to share at a cocktail   TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is a very common disorder in our country
           party while sipping our “Women Only” Tequila.     today with over 10 million individuals suffering from this ailment.  What
                                                             generally happens when you visit a doctor or dentist with this complaint,
           • I learned that Tequila is produced in 5 regions in
           Mexico, most of it in Jalisco.
           • Different regions of Mexico utilize different agave
           plants; there are both blue agave and green agave.
           • These plants are highly advanced and know that they
           need to hibernate as soon as the weather gets cold, but
           once spring brings the warmer temperatures the plants
           grow like crazy.
           • Unknown to most people Agave is not a cactus; it is a
           cousin to the water Lilly. Years ago The indians trying
           to escape the brutal Aztec rule, left to find a haven in
           the highlands of Jalisco. There they found lagoons filled
           with Agave plants that were laying in water. They pulled
           them out and threw them up on a hill where they began
           to grow.
           • In appearance, the Agave Plant resembles a
           pineapple, like the ones that grow in Hawaii.
           • The Agave plant is very dangerous since it is covered
           in needles.  At the tip is a needle often used by the
           Indians for sewing.
           • Tequila was originally used for medicinal purposes.
           • Surprisingly, it was not the Mexicans who discovered   is that a mold will be taken to prepare an apparatus, which the patient will   San Diego  Woman
           Tequila, it was the Spaniards. Their liquor was brandy,   sleep with to correct the problem causing the pain.  This often takes several
           but they ran out and saw the Agave plant and tried   weeks to be made, so subsequently the patient continues to suffer until the
           cooking it and then letting it ferment.  Pretty soon it was   appliance is ready for him or her to take home.  The Quicksplint™ allows the
           very potent and they called it “Vino de Tequila.”    ailing patient to leave the doctor’s office with an immediate solution to their   11
           • Once the Spaniards were kicked out of Mexico the    problem, hence putting them out of pain much sooner.
           Mexican people found out about this amazing plant and   What exactly is the Quicksplint™? It is a transitional discluding device
           started producing their own “Vino de Tequila,” but they   intended to be worn by the patient overnight. It reduces posterior bite force,
                                                             thus fostering an immediate and pronounced relaxation in the masticatory
           dropped the Vino (or wine) reference and simply called   muscles.  Quicksplint™ is simple to fabricate- taking only minutes –and
           it Tequila.                                       completely comfortable for the patient to wear.
           • Tequila is meant to be sipped and not gulped.   Not only does the Quicksplint™ help with TMJ, but it can also be useful as
                                                             new treatment protocol for Endodontic,  Periodontic,  Implant and Cosmetic
           And one last bit of information I learned, which will defi-  Dentistry procedures, to decrease post-operative complications, protect
           nitely make the men at that cocktail party impressed by   restorations, and address occlusal trauma at the time of surgery.
           your extensive knowledge of Tequila, is that the tradition   In a few short minutes, your doctor or dentist can fit the appliance specifically
                                                             to your bite.  It is placed in your mouth allowing you to bite down on the soft
           of drinking Tequila with a lime and salt sprinkled on your   pliable bite registration material. When it is removed it is molded to your ex-
           hand was begun due to a movie produced during the   act bite.  It will harden quickly and after any excess material is removed it is
           silent film era.  A Mexican film star, while being chased   ready for the patient to take home and use that very night.  So not only does
           by the police, was exhausted and slipped into a saloon   this product provide instant relief for the patient, it also allows your doctor
           for a drink.  Thinking the pitcher was filled with water he   to see if oral appliance therapy will work for you, avoiding a costly purchase
           took a huge sip and was then desperately trying to find   that may not be of any help in solving your problem.
           a way to recover.  He tries lime and then salt to cool his   Thank you Dr. Eli for creating such a useful product that not only helps to get
           mouth. Along the way this method was adopted and is   patients out of pain sooner, but also helps avoid a costly purchase, which
                                                             may not be needed as part of the patient’s treatment.
           now considered proper Tequila drinking protocol.   For more information contact Dr. Brad Eli’s office in Encinitas  at 760 436

                                                             Dr. Eli is a nationally recognized leader in sleep disorders treatment and pain manage-
                                                             ment. He is on the hospital staff at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla and UCSD.  A
                                                             graduate of UCLA, Dr. Eli  received advanced training in sleep disorders.  He remains
                                                             the only expert with this unique skill set in the San Diego region.  Dr. Eli is a member of
                                                             numerous professional associations including the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
                                                             and the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.  He holds multiple patents in the
                                                             fields of both sleep and pain.
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