Page 7 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
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                                                                                         OGRAPHER  Lisa K Miller

                                                                                            Lisa is the owner of Photog-
                           Rob Weinberg        Ruth Carter Szakaly   Linda Mullin           raphy by Lisa K, a custom
       Robert Tussey       Rob is President of The   Ruth is a freelance writer who   Linda Mullin is originally   portrait studio located in San
        Robert has been a   MarketBuilding Team, has   savors all that life has to offer.   from upstate New York,   Diego, specializing in the high-
        published writer for over   written two books on market-  She has a masters degree in   and now resides in Poway,   est quality portraiture. As the
        thirty years and has been   ing, and authors a free mar-  Organizational Development   California with her husband   mother of twins, Lisa shines
        providing editing services   keting advice column called,   and lives a life of gratitude.    and children. She enjoys   T  at capturing moments in
        for the past twenty-five.  As   Ask Mr. Marketing. You can   Ruth loves spending time   reading and attending   pregnancy and early life. She
        a musician, he has written   subscribe to his free market-  with family, nature, and con-  writer’s workshops. Her   HO  shares her talents with many
        scores of songs.  His life   ing newsletter at   necting people. Her years of   true passion is writing, and   local charities
        has revolved around his  experience as a professional,   she is currently working on   P
        music and writing, often               leader, and consultant have   a suspense novel.

        melding the two into articles          prepared her well for bringing
        and interviews.                        insight, creativity, and passion
                                               to her work.

                                                                     Jeani Zuber
                                                                     Jeani spent close to 30                           San Diego
       Carol LeBeau        Lisa Matar                                years as a successful pro-                          Woman
       Carol LeBeau spent close   A San Diego State Univer-          fessional in the marketing
       to 30 years as a beloved   sity graduate has lived in         and business development
       fixture on San Diego News.    San Diego since 1997. After     fields, which included both
       Today she is enjoying her   graduating with a degree          medical and private sector
       retirement, as well as a   in Art, with an emphasis in   Martha Perez  companies. As project
       second career as an in de-  Graphic Design, she put   Martha stays busy with com-  manager she also designed
       mand speaker at functions   her skills to work in the real   munity volunteer projects, book  and wrote the content for
       throughout San Diego. In   estate industry. After enjoy-  club and fellowship groups,   all promotional marketing
       addition to her many speak-  ing a successful career, she   fitness and personal-growth   materials. Presently retired
       ing engagements, Carol is   retired and began fashion   activities, mentoring young   she takes great pleasure
       a columnist for San Diego   writing and blogging San   adults, and advocacy in health  in her second career as a
       Woman speaking about life   Diego events. She currently   issues.  gifted free-lance writer for
       after her news career.  resides in Scripps Ranch   She earned her Doctor of   several publications. She is
                           with her husband and two   Pharmacy degree and ‘retired’   currently writing a book.
                           young children.      as a hospital administrator
                                                to care for her family. Writing
                                                poetry sparked her love of
                                                writing and she enjoys writing
                                                stories from a woman's heart
                                                point of view.                             Linda Brumley
                                                                                            Linda Brumley is a writer who
                                                                                            divides her time between San
                                                                                            Diego and Seattle.  She and
                                                                                            her husband of 52 years. raised
                                                                                            their family in San Diego.  Her
                                                                                            recently published book of
        Bill Edmett                                                                         devotionals for women is called
                                                                                            “My Beggar’s Purse.”
       Bill is the CEO of Intelibiz
       Business Solutions, Inc.   Jaime V. Habert                   Hannah Cunningham
       with over thirty years of   Jaime is a music enthusiast
       experience in database   is a music enthusiast and           Hannah Cunningham is a
       programming and custom   serves as Entertainment   Glenda Batzer  contributing writer, humorist,
                                                                    and educator in the San Diego
       business software.    Edito for San Diego
       Intelibiz specializes in da-  Woman.  She has plans   Glenda holds a B.S. in   area. She relocated from
       tabase websites utilizing   to pursue a degree in   Molecular Biology and has   Chicago 5 years ago after re-
       SQL Server, MS Access   Business Management.    worked in scientific research   ceiving a Masters in English as
       and ASP.Net.        She is a freelance writer,   for more than 17 years.  A   well as a Masters in Education
                                                                    and started her teaching ca-
       You can visit his com-  who takes every opportunity   transplant from Massachu-
       pany’s website at   to write about the subject   setts in 2004. In her spare   reer in Solana Beach. A writer  she loves.           time, she is learning to play   at her core, Hannah's favorite   San Diego
                                                golf and enjoys writing   hobby is finding and recording   Woman
                                                human interest stories.  the humor in women's every-
                                                                    day lives and relationships.
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