Page 12 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
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Jo Dee C. Jacob

      by Carol LeBeau

      They say a moving target is hard to hit
      and no one is more on the move these
      days than Jo Dee C. Jacob, chief
      executive officer of Girl Scouts San

      Girl Scouts just concluded its 100th
      Anniversary year. Jacob led San Diego’s
      high-octane birthday celebration,
      re-igniting excitement in the iconic
      organization that’s helped mold the lives
      of millions of women and girls.
      Now in her 11th year at the helm of Girl
      Scouts San Diego, Jacob’s passion for
      girls to grow in courage, confidence and
      character has not waned. She believes
      the organization is as relevant as ever.
                                                                                             for her unparalleled leader-
                                                                                             ship skills. Highly regarded
                                                                                             by her staff and volunteers,
                                                                                             Jacob leads with a
                                                                                             servant’s heart. And like all
                                                                                             Girl Scouts, she’s friendly,
                                                                                             courteous and loves to have
                                                                                             fun. But the charismatic J
 12                                                                                          acob also brings a unique
                                                                                             set of skills and life experi-
                                                                                             ences to her role as Girl
                                                                                             Scouts San Diego’s CEO.

                                                                                             Before taking the helm at
                                                                                             Girl Scouts, Jacob spent
                                                                                             most of her career in the
                                                                                             Navy as a woman alone…
                                                                                             literally in a “sea” of men.
                                                                                             At nearly every station
                                                                                             where she was assigned,
                                                                                             she was the first or only
                                                                                             woman. Jacob retired in
                                                                                             2001 with
                                                                                             experience in politico-mili-
                                                                                             tary affairs, logistics,
                                                                                             education and training.

                                                                                             Her career path wasn’t
      “Our bedrock values have not changed,” says Jacob. “The Girl   exactly typical for a Stanford graduate during the early ’70s. “I was
      Scout Promise and Law are timeless in their relevance.”   a Navy kid,” Jacob recalls, “and I often felt out of place during that
                                                              politically tumultuous time.”
      When first-grader Jo Dee Catlin joined her Brownie troop in New
      London, CT, she pledged to be honest, fair, and responsible. Those   An art history major, Jacob didn’t intend to make the military her
      tenets of the Girl Scout Law still guide Jacob as she leads 31,000   career. After graduating, she fell into an economy that looked much
      girls, 13,000 adults and 115 professional staff members in San   like today’s…finding work at a variety of jobs from retail clerk to
      Diego and Imperial counties.                            church organist. In 1974, Jacob joined the Navy to, as she says,
                                                              “make money, meet men, and travel!” She adapted well to the
       Under Jacob’s tenure, the first successful Girl Scout capital   adventure and variety offered in the military. Her initial two-year
      campaign raised nearly $6 million to improve properties, and, re-  commitment became a stellar 27-year career, culminating as
      branding efforts have positioned Girl Scouts San Diego as one of   commanding officer of the naval station in Guam, where she
      the leading charities in the region.                    provided fuel, weapons and logistics support for the 7th Fleet.
                                                              Jacob believes her military experience set the stage for her position
      Jacob, 61, is an accomplished, hard-working professional known   with Girl Scouts.
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