Page 9 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
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Tequila, It’s Not Just

                                   for Men Anymore

            Spencer Wright, "The Man Behind The Phenomenon"

         By Judith A. Habert
         Photos by Lisa K Miller
        When you first meet
        Spencer Wright, you
        can’t help but like him.
        After a few moments of
        speaking with him, not
        only do you like him,
        you just want to give
        him a great big hug.
        Spencer Wright is a
        man of many talents,
        much history, and great
        big smiles.  Born in
        San Diego, but raised
        in Mexico, Spencer has
        had a very diverse and
        prestigious career.
        With his recent mar-
        riage to the love of his
        life, Joan, it appears
        that he is starting
        yet another chapter
        in his life.  Spencer
        and his beautiful wife                                                                                         San Diego
        Joan exude love, and                                                                                             Woman
        seem to take the most
        pleasure in the fact that
        their current endeavors
        allow them to work                                                                                            9
        side by side.  Spencer
        currently owns a hold-
        ing company called
        Del Pacifico Marketing
        Group Inc., with com-
        panies  that focus on food, fashion, import/  as we could possibly create.  In order to
        export, marketing and advertising and most   assure this, I ordered a special filtration
        important to us ladies… liquor.       system from Raycor, a company well known
        Spencer Wright had an epiphany a few   for providing filtration systems to hospitals
        years ago.  He realized that women are   worldwide.  They utilize super micro-carbon
        totally left out when it comes to one of the   filters.  Our Pink Tequila is run through this
        biggest industries worldwide, liquor.  As   system four times-utilizing water from our
        Spencer explains, “Women are ignored in   own wells for additional purity.”
        the liquor industry.  Most liquor is targeted   Spencer has been in the liquor business
        to men, but women enjoy drinking as much   for over two decades and to many he is
        as men, yet there is no specific product   simply referred to as “The Tequila Man.”
        designed, engineered and diligently filtered   Over the years he has worked with most of
        for women.  This is no longer the case.  We   the major liquor distributors, and has held
        are very proud to unveil our newest product   his distilleries to very high standards.  When
        Pink Tequila.”                        other manufacturers were looking for ways
        Pink Tequila is treated with kid gloves,   to speed up the twelve year maturation
        held up to exacting standards, and filtered   process for Tequila with the use of chemi-
        through a unique method to guarantee that   cal additives, Spencer stood his course and
        it is the smoothest Tequila on the market.    continued the age old methods of producing
        To assure this, Spencer brought into his   quality Tequila.  As a result, many of the
        distillery a very special filtration system. “In   largest Tequila manufacturers were forced
        creating a women’s Tequila I knew it was   to come to Spencer to acquire his Tequila,
        important that it was as smooth a Tequila   since their crops had been destroyed.
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