Page 37 - Kimberly Hunt and daughter
P. 37

I Don’t Want to Deal With It  Lasso the Workplace Bull-y

                                                                         By Donna Hulme
                            By Catherine Mattice, MA

        Day in and day out, the bully Kate worked with attempted to   or privacy where everyone could hear.
        micromanage her and turn the boss against her. He picked   Kate had to make a choice. She could ignore the email or
        fights, harassed, and yelled at her.                    write an apology; but then she would be a victim again. Or
        Kate’s mental health de-                                                                     she could stand up
        clined under the stress and                                                                  for herself. So Kate
        her anxiety increased almost                                                                 decided to deliver
        daily. After five years of abuse                                                             confidence up on a
        Kate placed a tattered piece                                                                 silver platter.
        of paper above her alarm                                                                     She clicked Reply
        clock with the words “Get                                                                    to All, acknowl-
        up! Get up! Get up!” written                                                                 edged (but did not
        in blue highlighter. It was her                                                              apologize for) her
        only source of inspiration; an                                                               mistake, provided
        ever failing attempt at motivat-                                                             several options for
        ing herself to get out of bed                                                                solution, and ad-
        when the alarm went off.  Her                                                                vised she was free
        depression was increasing, as                                                                to discuss them
        was the number of times she                                                                  further in private.
        hit the snooze button each                                                                   Within seconds
        morning. Ultimately, she was                                                                 of hitting Send,
        fired. Her once booming work                                                                 her boss’ office
        product and positive attitude                                                                door flew open; he
        had wilted away with her self-                                                               marched straight
        confidence.                                                                                  over to her, and
        Research indicates up to 90%                                                                 said, “Fantastic   San Diego
        of the workforce is bullied.   In                                                            email Kate! Way      Woman
        fact, women are being bullied                                                                to put the hammer
        by men and other women.                                                                      down!”
        Women targeted experience                                                                    Kate demonstrated
        anxiety, depression, burn-                                                                   faith in herself de-  37
        out and a multitude of other                                                                 spite the mistake,
        bad feelings.  As a result, in                                                               and this develops
        extreme cases, some even                                                                     through repetitive
        experience Post Traumatic                                                                    affirmation. If you
        Stress Disorder. Bullying is                                                                 attend church, for
        more damaging than sexual                                                                    example, there’s a
        harassment because it oc-                                                                    good chance your
        curs under the radar and                                                                     faith is nurtured
        therefore more frequently.                                                                   each time you go.
        Why? Because corporate                                                                       The more informa-
        policies cover more conspicu-                                                                tion you receive,
        ous harassment aimed at a                                                                    the more your cer-
        protected class such as race,                                                                tainty is confirmed.
        religion, and sexual orienta-                                                                If you stop going to
        tion but often do not cover bullying. Organizations are also   church, loss in faith may result. The same happens when we
        much more likely to put a stop to sexual harassment, simply   stop believing in ourselves.
        because the law says they have to. But no law exists against   So head to the Church of You each morning and stand in
        workplace bullying.                                     front of the mirror to shout your personal affirmations (“I
        On the day Kate was fired she promised herself she would   am terrific! I am great at my job! I will overcome the bully! I
        never be that unhappy again. In her next position work days   am not a helpless victim!”). The more you say it, the more
        were happy and even fun, until she made a mistake in her   you feel it; the more you feel it, the more you believe it; the
        work. Her boss responded by sending a scathing email that   more you believe it, the greater your courage becomes; the
        he copied to the management team. He even heckled her as   greater your courage becomes, the closer you are to lasso-
        he walked by her desk’ this in an office with no cubicle walls   ing the bully.
                                                       Issue 1, 2009
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