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P. 97

BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022

        correlated) assets is a form of Risk Reduction,  Figure 1. Efficient Frontier
        and enables long-term superior portfolio  According to Markowitz, any portfolio that
        performance. For example, Stocks and Bonds,  falls outside the efficient frontier is considered
        normally, tend to move in opposite directions  sub-optimal because it carries too much risk
        (i.e. inversely correlated) under different  relative to its return, or too little return relative
        interest rate cycles. And, blending these two is  to risk undertaken. Portfolios that lie below the
        a classical diversification strategy for portfolio  efficient frontier don’t provide optimum return
        risk reduction.                              compared to the risk level. Portfolios that lie to
                                                     the right of the efficient frontier are also sub-
        The portfolio giving the highest return for
                                                     optimal because they have a higher level of
        a given level of risk is the most efficient and   risk for the defined rate of return. Portfolios
        optimal. Every investor should strive to     along the efficient frontiers are the ones that
        construct an Efficient Portfolio for themselves   are efficient, and investors need to choose
        for long- term superior investment outcomes.
                                                     portfolios along the efficient frontier curve to
        The Efficient Frontier                        experience the optimal investment outcome.
        Markowitz suggested it was important         Choosing Your Asset Allocation
        for investors to determine the level of
                                                     Since each asset class has its own risk-return
        diversification that best suited them. This can   characteristics, investors should consider their
        be achieved through what he called Efficient   Risk Tolerance, Financial Goals and investment
        Frontier - a graphical representation of the set   Time Horizon as the key determinants for their
        of efficient (optimal) portfolios that offer the   asset allocation.  All of these are important
        highest expected returns for a defined level
                                                     considerations as investors look to create
        of risk, or the lowest risk for a given level of   efficient portfolios and stay positioned along
        expected returns. By positioning along the   the efficient frontier.
        efficient frontier curve, investors could:
                                                     The current market volatility, consequent upon
          1.  At every level of return, create a portfolio   surging macro risks like global inflation, rising
             that offers the lowest possible risk.
                                                     interest rates, looming fear of recession and geo
          2.  For every level of risk, create a portfolio  political tensions call for far greater emphasis
             that offers the highest return.         on asset allocation. The need for efficient
                                                     portfolio construction is beyond exaggeration!

        The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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