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                                    NO B.S. Guide to Successful Marketing Automation 3INTRODUCTIONin each room and when his employees would come in that day he would tell them which room they would be working in. Today you could have that same kind of precision, and even better, with DQ%u0003DYHUDJH%u0003&50%u0004%u00037RGD\\%u0003WKH%u0003&50%u0003ZLOO%u0003MXVW%u0003VHQG%u0003DQ%u0003HPDLO%u0003WR%u0003\\RXU%u0003printer, or your production team if they are in-house, with a list of people and the marketing piece that they should get. They set it up and run the piece, assemble it, and get it in the mail. No need for a hospital building with 1,000 rooms, giant whiteboards with production schedules on them, physical movement of teams from one project space to another. The computer and all the tools LW%u0003R%u037fHUV%u0003GRHV%u0003LW%u0003DOO%u0003IRU%u0003\\RX%u0004To back up a step, when we talk about marketing systems and marketing automation what exactly, do we mean by: marketing? It includes:%u2022 Advertising, and coordination of all ad media%u2022 Lead generation%u2022 Converting leads to set appointments or other sellingopportunities%u2022 New customer, client, or patient acquisition%u2022 Selling by media replacing manual labor%u2022 &RQYHUWLQJ%u0003%u00c0UVW%u0010WLPH%u0003EX\\HUV%u0003WR%u0003FRPPLWWHG%u0003FXVWRPHUV%u2022 )DFLOLWDWLQJ%u0003XSVHOOV%u000f%u0003UHSHDW%u0003EXVLQHVV%u000f%u0003UHWHQWLRQ%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003UHFXUULQJrevenue%u2022 Implementing sophisticated, complex multi-step, multimedia communication%u2022 Implementing multi-step follow-up to Call, NoAppointment; Appointment, No-Sale; New Promotion,No Response%u2022 )DFLOLWDWLQJ%u0003 GDWD%u0003 PLQLQJ%u0003 IURP%u0003 ZLWKLQ%u0003 \\RXU%u0003 RZQ%u0003 UHFRUGV%u000fin order to unearth additional selling and cross-sellingRSSRUWXQLWLHVff%u0003PDWFKLQJ%u0003VSHFL%u00c0F%u0003R%u037fHUV%u0003WR%u0003VSHFL%u00c0F%u0003SURVSHFWV%u2022 Creating customer enthusiasm and evangelism, andgenerating more referral activity
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