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                                    NO B.S. Guide to Successful Marketing Automation 7CHAPTER 1 / THE JETSONStypewriters%u2014a room full. The need for phototypesetting and a dark URRP%u0003HQGHG%u0011%u0003)RU%u0003WKH%u0003PRVW%u0003SDUW%u000f%u0003WKH%u0003GUDZLQJ%u0003ERDUG%u000f%u0003NQLYHV%u000f%u0003JOXH%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003paste-up artist, all gone. Today, we%u2019ve come a long way, baby. Your desktop PC, your iPad, even your handheld device includes an entire EXLOGLQJ%u0003 IXOO%u0003 RI%u0003 2%u0380FH%u0003 $XWRPDWLRQ%u0011%u0003 2I%u0003 3URGXFWLRQ%u0003 $XWRPDWLRQ%u0011%u0003)RU%u0003 JRRG%u0003 RU%u0003 EDG%u0003 RU%u0003 ERWK%u000f%u0003 \\RX%u0003 FDUU\\%u0003 W\\SHZULWHUV%u000f%u0003 SDVWH%u0010XS%u0003 DUWLVWV%u000f%u0003FDPHUDV%u000f%u0003YLGHR%u0003FDPHUDV%u000f%u0003SKRWR%u0003DQG%u0003YLGHR%u0003HGLWLQJ%u000f%u0003%u00c0OH%u0003FDELQHWV%u000f%u0003DQ%u0003encyclopedia, maps, a telegraph machine, endless DIY resources like /HJDO=RRP%u0003LQ%u0003SODFH%u0003RI%u0003D%u0003ODZ\\HU%u0003RU%u0003ERRNNHHSHU%u0003LQ%u0003SODFH%u0003RI%u0003D%u0003SD\\UROO%u0003clerk, and, gee, I almost forgot, a phone. In your pocket. Along the way, a whole new kind of automation emerged, too%u2014the one we%u2019re tackling in this book, which people in my world call 0DUNHWLQJ Automation. It began humbly, slowly, XQVRSKLVWLFDWHG%u0011%u0003 7KHQ%u0003LW%u0003 JUHZ%u0003OLNH%u0003 D%u0003 &DOLIRUQLD%u0003 ZLOG%u00c0UH%u000f%u0003 RXW%u0003 RIcontrol. Today, it is its own industry. Choices are confusing. But if selected and used wisely, it can%u2026%u2022 Erase many advantages big companies long held oversmall businesses%u2014David can do everything Goliath plusan army can do, what you needed an army for.%u2022 Dramatically boost speed-to-market. The idea you have at9 a.m. for an ad, marketing campaign, product, or servicecan be tested for response by noon.%u2022 Virtually eliminate human error in CONSISTENTLYimplementing marketing, follow-up marketing, andcustomer relationship management.%u2022 )DFLOLWDWH%u0003 WUXH%u0003 WDUJHW%u0010PDUNHWLQJ%u000f%u0003ZLWK%u0003 IXOO\\%u0003FXVWRPL]HG%u0003RUHYHQ%u0003SHUVRQDOL]HG%u0003PDUNHWLQJ%u0003FRPPXQLFDWLRQ%u0003 WR%u0003GL%u037fHUHQWsegments of your customer population or overall market%u2014for much greater impact.%u2022 Go so far as to replace a lot of marketing you do (as averb) with marketing systems you own%u2014liberating youto turn attention to other opportunities and initiatives youRWKHUZLVH%u0003ZRXOGQ%u00b7W%u0003KDYH%u0003WLPH%u0003IRU%u000f%u0003RU%u0003MXVW%u0003%u00b4JR%u0003%u00c0VKLQJ%u0011%u00b5
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