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8 NO B.S. Guide to Successful Marketing AutomationCHAPTER 1 / THE JETSONS%u2022 Make money while you sleep, by converting yourPDUNHWLQJ%u0003RSHUDWLRQ%u0003WR%u0003%u0015%u0017%u0012%u001a%u0012%u0016%u0019%u0018%u000f%u0003WKH%u0003ZRUOG%u0003ZH%u0003QRZ%u0003OLYHin, where potential customers want responses to theirexpressed interest instantly, any moment, day or night.%u2022 Make your business%u2019s sales and customer obtainment andgrowth more predictable.%u2022 %u2026and more.)RU%u0003WKHVH%u0003UHDVRQV%u000f%u0003HYHQ%u0003LI%u0003GHOYLQJ%u0003LQWR%u0003LW%u0003DQG%u0003WDONLQJ%u0003DERXW%u0003LWmakes your head hurt as it does mine, you PXVW participate.I Opt Out, but I%u2019m All InOn a personal note, I am what is now called a %u201cmodern Luddite.%u201d I do not own a cell phone or smartphone, my computer is notconnected to the Internet, there is no Alexa or Siri in my home or R%u0380FH%u000f%u0003,%u0003XVH%u0003no apps, I wouldn%u2019t do online banking if you paid me, and I judge social media to be a deep, poisonous, mental-illnesscreating, soul-killing, dehumanizing, time-wasting sinkhole. I have even more Luddite eccentricities discussed in my book 1R%u0003%%u00116%u0011%u0003 7LPH%u0003 0DQDJHPHQW%u0003 IRU%u0003 (QWUHSUHQHXUV%u0011 Working on this book required Advil%u00ae. If you GLVOLNH the unleashed Pandora%u2019s box of technology, I feel your pain. But I have it DOO used for me, for my business activities, and IRU%u0003 FOLHQWV%u0011%u0003 ,%u0003 ZDQW%u0003 WKLV%u0003 WR%u0003 JLYH%u0003 WKRVH%u0003 RI%u0003 \\RX%u0003 %u00c1XPPR[HG%u0003 DQG%u0003viscerally averse to tech and tech talk hope and courage. You can dislike it and still have it put to work for you. You can limit your knowledge and engagement to understanding, but delegate all the implementation. I make a study of it, but I don%u2019t do it. A chief marketing executive managing online at my client GuthyRenker said that you need three things to make a powerful,