Page 55 - Demo
P. 55
4 NO B.S. Guide to Successful Marketing AutomationINTRODUCTION%u2022 Supporting new product or service launches, seasonalpromotions, or other limited-time-period campaigns%u2022 )XOO\\%u0003 PDQDJLQJ%u0003 $//%u0003 RQOLQH%u0003 DQG%u0003 R%u0381LQH%u0003 DGYHUWLVLQJ%u000f%u0003 35%u000fcontent distribution, and social media usage%u2022 Creating a lot of %u201cset it and forget it%u201d processes%u2022 $QG%u0003 PXFK%u000f%u0003 PXFK%u0003 PRUH%u0011%u0003 (VVHQWLDOO\\%u0003 6<67(0,=,1*everything leading up to acquisition of a new customer,everything that then happens to keep, fully monetize, anddevelop a great relationship with that customer.This is NOT simple or easy. This is NOT a book for people who are lazy or looking for a single magic bullet or a way to get very rich very quick. If you are a serious person, into building a sustainable, successful company and willing to invest both time DQG%u0003 PRQH\\%u0003 LQ%u0003 GRLQJ%u0003 VR%u000f%u0003 \\RX%u00b7YH%u0003 IRXQG%u0003 WKH%u0003 ULJKW%u0003 ERRN%u0004%u0003 ,W%u00b7V%u0003 QRW%u0003necessary to be tech savvy or even to like tech, incidentally. It%u2019s much more important to be or make yourself marketing savvy than use tech or have tech used for you to fully implement your PDUNHWLQJ%u0003YLVLRQ%u000f%u0003SODQ%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003V\\VWHP%u0011%u0003)RU%u0003WKDW%u000f%u0003WRR%u000f%u0003\\RX%u0003KDYH%u0003IRXQG%u0003the right book.1RZ%u0003OHW%u00b7V%u0003JHW%u0003VWDUWHG%u0004