Page 16 - NFS Value Prop Recruiting Booklet
P. 16

What the National Field Sales Team is
        saying about AAG

        “I have worked in the reverse mortgage industry for   “I have been in the mortgage industry for over 25
        over 20 years now for some of the top companies in   years, the last 14 of which have been dedicated
        the industry. There is not one company that compares   exclusively to Reverse Mortgages. I joined AAG about
        to AAG in the way that they invest in their employees’   three years ago and have been impressed with the
        success. The training and attention to detail, along   dedication, drive, and “how can we improve things”
        with a continued drive to improve on existing ways of   attitude that management communicates. Everyone
        doing business are truly impressive. This is a company   genuinely tries to make AAG a great place to work and
        that will allow you to do your thing while helping   to promote individual improvement, all while caring
        you succeed. I am grateful for the opportunities that   for the seniors we serve in a professional manner.”
        I have found here, and look forward to improving the
        lives of more homeowners in the future.”  David Aulicino
                                          MARKET SALES MANAGER
        Michael O’Connor
                                          “I’ve been in the reverse mortgage business for 20
        “Our objective is to keep our sales reps selling to   years and have witnessed the product transform into
        maximize profitability on EACH lead, company and   the safe and useful tool that it is today. I have worked
        self-source business. To those we support this means   for a number of top reverse mortgage companies but
        receiving world class service from each contact with   AAG is the best. The leadership, sales support, tools,
        our support team, as well as the alleviation of stress   and training are second to none. In fact, I had never
        when they should only be worrying about funding   received true sales training until joining AAG. My
        loans! Our goal when dealing with remote employees   AAG training has helped me sell smarter and be more
        is letting them know they are not alone out there   successful. AAG spokesperson Tom Selleck definitely
        in the field and they have a dedicated team of   opens doors for me! I feel valued and appreciated at
        professionals willing and eager to assist them.  AAG and I am proud to be partnered with a company
              Whether that is pointing them in the direction of   that cares both about its employees and the seniors
        somebody who can assist, or troubleshooting to find   we’re are privileged to serve. P.S. I love AAG. (I really
        the quickest, easiest solution to get our reps back out   do!)”
        there selling!”
                                          Jennifer Feliciano
        Nolan Reiber                      AAG LOAN OFFICER
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