Page 13 - NFS Value Prop Recruiting Booklet
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Our goal is to continually increa se your business year after year.
Don’t settle for less, we won’t!
Lunch & Learn
4 Takes place in your local market “Loan Officers can take
advantage of leveraging
4 Company sponsored event - means AAG pays AAG leads to build their
for it book of business. By
- Want to host a lunch and learn in your area? embracing and following
AAG will help. Monthly events available. AAG the lead program, loan officers are taught
best practices in lead management and will
mailing list and invitation provided. We get become experts on the AAG sales process.
them there, you present and follow-up. Utilizing these techniques will drive loan
officer productivity and result in generating
Leads Program business partner relationships all while
embracing AAG leads.”
4 High-quality, AAG branded leads
4 Leads dispersed in local markets Shannon Robinson
4 Lead creation & protocol support STRATEGIC EXECUTION DIVISION
4 Real-time, live leads auto-transferred to your
Origination Platform & Contact Management
4ReverseVision Software
“As Sales Coach, I am
HOA & HUD Assistance Department committed to the growth
4 Facilitates the Condo Approval Process for you and development of each
loan officer that I get
the opportunity to work
Diverse Product Lineup with. The existence of my role proves that
4HECM Fixed AAG invests in people to ensure successful
4CAP 5 Annual Libor behaviors are coached and encouraged
4Monthly Libor throughout the company.
4 AAG Advantage Jumbo Proprietary Product David Zaragoza
4 Ginnie Mae Issuer – Direct Lender