Page 10 - B2BAAG15_Affinity Lending Brochure
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A HECM for Purchase Loan, also known as a Reverse Use the funds from a reverse
for Purchase, is a government-insured loan that gives mortgage to purchase “more home”
homeowners 62 and older the convenience and and improve cash flow.
flexibility to purchase a new home while eliminating
mortgage payments. Your employees make a
down payment and let their HECM for Purchase
loan from AAG cover the rest. And yes, you read
that correctly, no monthly mortgage payments
as long as they continue to pay for property taxes, RIGHT-SIZE TO THE RIGHT HOME:
homeowners insurance, home maintenance, and Match lifestyle needs with a lower-
otherwise comply with the loan terms.
maintenance home.
Free up cash to cover other important
expenses. (Borrowers must continue
to pay property taxes, homeowners
insurance, and home maintenance costs.)