Page 13 - B2BAAG15_Affinity Lending Brochure
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“Getting a reverse mortgage completely changed my life and allowed
If your borrower has never refinanced, or it has me to live the retirement that I always wanted. I now have more financial
been a while since, now may be the perfect freedom and more time to focus on my personal growth. The loan officer
time to do so. By refinancing, they may be able at AAG held my hand through the whole journey and provided so much
to obtain a better interest rate or term to lower
their loan costs or make their payments more insight and expertise. I’m all about integrity and honesty, and that’s what
affordable. AAG provides no-cost, no-obligation my experience with AAG represented to me.” Frieda B.
consultations at their convenience.
Potential Refinancing Benefits
Increase cash flow
Consolidate first (and second)
mortgages at a lower interest rate
Trade in adjustable-rate mortgage
for a more stable payment
Watch Frieda’s story and others here: