Page 12 - B2BAAG15_Affinity Lending Brochure
P. 12

CONVENTIONAL LOANS                                         JUMBO LOANS
                              Conventional loans can be                                  Loan amounts above
                              used to purchase or refinance                              the limit set by Fannie
                              single-family homes or 1-4                                 Mae and Freddie Mac
                              unit properties. They are                                  are considered jumbo
                              available at 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-,                           (LTV restrictions apply).
                              and 30-year terms.

                              FHA LOANS                                                  VA LOANS
                              FHA loans can help borrowers                               Veterans Affairs (VA) loans
                              with limited assets buy homes                              are available to U.S. active
                              with only a 3.5% down payment.                             and retired military and
                              Most upfront costs, including the                          some surviving spouses. VA
                              down payment, can be covered                               loans have many advantages
                              by gifts from family members.                              available, including no down
                                                                                         payments and no insurance
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