P. 54

How to Play Kushihara NPCs                             Tsuo Tendo

                                                                   Tsuo Tendo is known as a Samurai Master of great pa-
         Diamyo Ghoda                                             tience, bravery, discipline and accomplishment and is held in
            Diamyo Ghoda’s intelligence, wisdom, and skills excel that   great esteem by his colleagues.  He has the ability to keep a cool
         of most martial arts masters. His age and wisdom, as well as his   head in any situation.  Tsuo Tendo has complete control of his
         deep connection to Ki energy, proved to be both enviable and   emotion and is known to never show anger or raise his voice. It
         formidable.  Diamyo Ghoda was a legendary samurai master and   is this calm that thrust him into the position of Gensui-Rikugun-
         accomplished more than most.  Small in size but wise and de-  Taisho, Field Marshal, in the Japanese army.
         ceitfully more powerful than his feeble outward appearance, he      Despite his composed personality, Tsuo Tendo is a man of
         trained Ryu-Kushai-Do and quickly became the head of the sam-  action.  Though a highly ranked Elite Samurai, Tsuo Tendo will
         urai clan.  Now, in the position of governing, Master Ghoda   lead his men from the front leading a charge toward an enemy
         does not have time to pursue personal endeavors.       army.  His goal is to be the first to a destination point, using his
            Throughout Ghoda’s long life, he proves himself to be a   Kanabo to smash through enemy forces then attack opponents
         wise and kind, but strict leader.  Although quick to comfort and   with arrows as his troops follow his lead.
         guide samurai, he is equally prepared to warn and to express
         disapproval in the face of bad behavior.  Diamyo Ghoda, the   Shin Kuno
         once young adventurer turned diplomat, could easily finish con-     Shin Kuno is a man of few words or no words at all and
         frontation with the edge of his blade.  The weight of responsibil-  follows a harsh and impenetrable ethic. His word is absolute,
         ity, however, forces him set an example through diplomacy and   once he agrees to the assassination and is paid, he will pursue
         order.  However, his martial arts practice remains at the ready   his missions regardless of the risk.  Because Shin Kuno often
         and is centered on maximum effectiveness through high pow-  has the responsibility of killing people of notoriety, after an as-
         ered abilities.                                        sassination, he will meditate and pray in solitude.  Shin Kuno is
         Ryu Kushihara                                          a legend throughout Japan and amongst his peers is seen as a
                                                                rare extremity of commitment and practice.   Despite his inscru-
            Ryu Kushihara is a Samurai of great merit.  Though an ex-  tability, Shin Kuno is sympathetic, can be very straightforward
         emplary leader and educator of young soldiers, Ryu Kushihara is   with people, but also well mannered.  He loves his horse Daino,
         misunderstood due to his outwardly angry appearance.  Not   even though that love is secondary to his mission.
         wanting to be perceived as an angry man, this misconception      Shin Kuno approaches combat as a person employed to
         about Kushihara-san has forced Ryu to consciously present a   protect the empire, and under the law, anything that interferes
         more inviting persona.   The feud that burns within Ryu Kushi-  with the will of the Emperor is given a death sentence.  Shin
         hara however is not easily quelled, and his efforts are seen as   Kuno’s legend has numerous times indicated that he is willing,
         forced or even fake by many, which upsets the master greatly.   and capable of, decapitating multiple people in a single encoun-
            Ryu Kushihara is a fearless combatant who enjoys assisting   ter.  He is known to be merciless and his mere presence strike
         in the elimination of foes from long distances through his accu-  fear in those who know of this legend.
         rate shooting.  Using his enchanted Yumi, targets are rendered
         blind, allowing his fellow soldiers easier opponents to defeat.    Hyosuke Kushimoto
         When within close proximity to an opponent, Ryu Kushihara      Hyosuke Kushimoto is extraordinarily gifted in the practic-
         becomes a fantastic grappler, taking opponents to the ground.   es of RyuKushai-Do. Many wonder if his ability to use Ki Ener-
         Saturo Kushihara                                       gy exceeds even that of Grand Master Ghoda.  For his age and
                                                                level of experience, Kushimoto is also an incredibly skilled du-
            Saturo Kushihara is a genuine man.  Though dealing with   elist.  Hyosuke Kushimoto’s greatest hurdle is controlling his
         the same feud that angers his older brother, Saturo Kushihara   emotions of empathy and adherence entirely to the Samurai
         has discovered methods to silo his anger.  This control gives   Code.  His status in the national limelight causes him to help
         way to spite whenever he sees a member belonging to his enemy   those in need to live up to his legend despite what is required by
         family benefits from the sacrifices his family endured.  Outside   the Code of Bushido.
         of this instance, Saturo Kushihara remains an even keeled man        Hyosuke Kushimoto can be both merciful and merciless in
         of great report.                                       his decision-making, considering how a decision may affect his
            Though versed as a swordsman, as all Samurai are, Saturo   celebrity.  Hyosuke Kushimoto uses high-level Mystic Art abili-
         Kushihara prefers the Bo Staff when engaging enemies.  To   ties to aid him in combat further develop his legacy as a Samu-
         back up his abilities with the pole, Saturo Kushihara mastered   rai warrior.
         grappling in the instances an opponent is able to penetrate his
         extended weapon.                                       Benisatori Furriken
                                                                   A legendary Samurai Master, Benisatori Furriken is a noble
         Naohiroshi                                               man and gifted in the ways of the Ryu-Kushai-Do.  Master Fur-
            Though the man known as Naohiroshi is thought to be a   riken trained, and now mentors Hyosuke Kushimoto focusing
         reclusive wanderer, he has sworn allegiance to the Kushihara   on meditation to try to understand his extreme empathy, Fur-
         and is ever vigilant in advancing the Kushihara mission.  His   riken also taught Kushimoto to live in the present and trusting
         wayward lifestyle is considered complicated and slightly ob-  his instincts.  The Master remains by the side of his underling
         scure to his colleagues.  Naohiroshi is subscribed to the Bushido   constantly molding Hyosuke to be the perfect Samurai.  Though
         Code, but his displays of proper etiquette are often subpar.  For   he understands that Hyosuke is an adult, he continues to view
         example, Naohiroshi will often be seen without the signature   him as the young man he began training so many years ago.
         two swords of the Samurai, and wear tattered clothing despite      As a character, Benisatori Furriken will consider the effects
         receiving gifts from the community.                    of how his actions will impact his impressionable understudy,
            Naohiroshi will engage targets without the use of his katana.    and then move forward.  Benisatori is a grappler by nature, and
         He relies on his skills as a striker primarily where his weapon   will use his skills to finish opponents quickly.  Though a person
         may make shorter work of tougher opponents.  He will employ   who prefers close distance hand-to-hand combat Master Fur-
         the Striking Renzokuken as a first strike, and follow it with the   riken’s weapon of choice is the Nagamaki, using its superior
         other strikes before using the “Bonus Attack” Mystic Art to al-  length to his advantage.
         low him a last final strike.

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