P. 49
Benisatori Furikken’s group members split into
HYOSUKE KUSHIMOTO smaller groups of up to five members and work to-
Master, I really do not know. Although I believe oth- gether. Many of the party explore buildings and sur-
er forces are at work here, we still need to follow our rounding areas to figure out what has happened in the
instructions and test the water supply. Those of you town.
who were selected, come with me. GM NOTE: The area is desolate and evidence is
PART 5a “Separate Ways” extremely difficult to find. Lead the PC(s) to a build-
ing that has been undamaged, through suggestions of
Location: Gunma Prefecture, Numata
NPC group members (if any are available). If the
Along with those who were selected at Kushihara scene takes too long have Benisatori arrive and ad-
Castle, the PC(s) follow Hyosuke Kushimoto to test vise them toward a particular building.
the water supply they are to . This group will walk
along the river. The river has an unusual darker color PART 5a2“Those Dam People”
to it and a noticeable light flow. Hyosuke Kushimoto Location: Genma Prefecture, Numata
stops the party.
Hiro and his group arrive at the large blockage in
HYOSUKE KUSHIMOTO the water. This blockage is made up of several dead
We can sample the water here. bodies and body parts, presumably from the town.
Each member should drop into the water and take There is a stench in the air and flies swarm the pile of
a sample of water. rotting humans. The group looks on in awe as one of
the soldiers throws up at the site of death.
GM NOTE: Have the players all prepare to roll a
die for an Odds & Evens poison effect roll. For dra- HYOSUKE KUSHIMOTO
matic effect, read the following dialog just before Something strange has happened here. These poor
they cast. people have been stacked as a dam. This water has
trickled into the stream of the Tone River and flowed
SOLDIER to the surrounding towns. We must get word back to
Bensatori and we travel back to Kushihara Castle and
“Wait! I know what is wrong with the water inform Ghoda.
PART 5b “Anybody Out There”
The Soldier points down the river to a large
blockage in the water. Everyone looks at what he is Location: Gunma Prefecture, Numata
pointing at and is horrified. The PC(s)’s group is still searching the city and
comes upon a particular building that has yet to be
damaged. When they move inside, they discover
there is no damage there as well.
This group runs in the direction of despair.
GM NOTE: As the group checks out the building it
PART 5b “Meanwhile...” may hear a noise. Perform an Awareness Test to see
if the PC(s) hear this sound.
Location: Gunma Prefecture, Numata
The PC(s) hear something in the corner buried
The other PC(s) are with Benisatori Furikken, and
are looking around the wrecked city of Numata trying under a bunch of bags. After moving the bags out of
to figure out what has happened in the city. All clues the way they find a young man hiding under them.
point to an invasion from marauders, but something This man looks as though he’s been hiding for days
about the damage doesn’t sit right with that conclu- in this building. He is wide-eyed and scared, mal-
sion. nourished yet able to talk to the characters.
Shhhhh! Keep your voices down!
Everyone fan out, split into groups, and find out what
has happened here. When you discover something, GM NOTE: If the PC(s) continue to talk to the man
report back here to me. he will become frantic.