P. 46
PART 6a “Morning Sunshine” PART 7 “The Hunt for Ikagami”
Location: Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama Location: Chiba Prefecture, Chiba
The next morning the group is outside of the inn. The team is guided through the streets of Chiba
Shin Kuno is inside apologizing to the owner about until they come upon Shogun Ikagami’s residents.
last night’s commotion. When the group exits the inn
it discovers that all of the horses have been poisoned. Unfortunately, it is abandoned. The team must now
Shin Kuno’s horse, Daino lays dead in the street, and find the location of Shogun Ikagami.
Shin Kuno stands statuesque staring at his lost friend. SHIN KUNO
SHIN KUNO We are to split up and ask the town’s people if they
Our horses have been poisoned. This Shogun know of the whereabouts of Shogun Ikagami. Find
Ikagami is very resourceful. We will have to take a me back here in an hour with any information you
ferry to Chiba and from there we will walk. Who may receive.”
will carry The Trunk of Five Blades? GM NOTE: The PC(s) should ask as many people
GM NOTE: The Trunk of Five Blades weighs 3 CC as they can about the location of Shogun Ikagami.
with an additional 4.4 CC from the blades inside. GM will roll Odds & Evens against the PC(s) to de-
Only PC(s) who will not be encumbered by the trunk
are to roll to determine who will carry it. If none of termine if the civilian has information. Information
the group has the required Carrying Capacity, they will lead the PC(s) to find out that the Shogun is hid-
must share the duty. The elected player will receive ing out in a local Geisha House and awaiting word
+10 Experience Points at the end of the quest. that the Executioner has been eliminated by the
PART 6b “Staying the Course” Blood Brother Assassin.
Location: Yokohama Port ***sample discovered information could include:
Shin Kuno’s loss has not swayed him from his -Information about the Shogun walking with
mission. Though he is beyond approach form per- personal guards.
sonal conversations, he continues to lead. He and the
PC(s) now wait along the dock for a ferry to arrive -Information about Shogun hiding at various
and deliver them to their next destination. locations.
GM NOTE: Ferry ticket= $5 -Information of the Shogun at shops for vari-
They, along with a large crowd of individuals, ous reasons.
await the ferry. When the ferry arrives, the group
boards the boat and wait. While the group waits they PART 8 “Finding The Shogun”
will be again be confronted by more “Blood Brother
Assassin” members. Location: Chiba Prefecture, Chiba
BLOOD BROTHER The group arrives at the local Inn where Ikagami
will be confronted. The Shogun will come outside to
Are you from the Kushihara Dojo? My boss, Shogun
Ikagami, has sent me to deliver a message to you. He meet the Executioner. The two will talk.
says, “Go back now, and leave this quest of yours. IKAGAMI
There is no shame in making a good decision.” Now,
are you going to go back to your castle or do we have You are a very persistent man, Master Kuno.”
to “convince” you? SHIN KUNO
SHIN KUNO The Emperor has called for your life, Shogun. Pre-
I understand your position, but the Emperor has com- pare yourself.
missioned me to carry out this duty. IKAGAMI:
BLOOD BROTHER No Executioner. I will not go quietly. You see, this
Well then, you leave us no choice. life I lead is too good to me… I’m simply having too
much fun.
GM NOTE: 1D6 “Blood Brothers Assassins” mem-
bers will emerge from the crowd and attack the GM NOTE: 1D4 Blood Brother Soldiers will join
Ikagami’s side. Shin Kuno will address the PC(s).