P. 51
PART 8 “Get Out While You Can” GM NOTE: Reward the PC(s) that elect to remain
with Benisatori 2x Experience Points at the end of
Location: Gunma Prefecture, Numata
the quest.
More Oni comes enter the fray as the group bat- PART 10 “Demon Hunters”
tles the large beast. They immediately grab an NPC
member of the Kushihara party and kill them. Feel- Location: Gunma Prefecture, Numata
ing overwhelmed, the order to escape the building is The group sees a large hole in the town where it
seems the ground has naturally sunken in. All guess-
BENISATORI FURIKKEN es are that the hole is the origin of the demise of the
We must get away from these beasts! Everyone, town. Enisatori Furikken leads his team to the hole,
quickly! Escape while you can!” and one by one they descend into the hole.
Benisatori Furikken and Hyosuke Kushimoto will It grows cold and dark as they descend, and when
usher their Kushihara soldiers out of the building. the come to a level area, there is an eerie smell and
Besatori Furikken quickly follows leaving his protégé light emanating from the cavern.
to exit last. On his attempt to escape, Hyosuke
Kushimoto’s ankle is grabbed by a beast. He GM NOTE: Use the map on the following page to
screamed, but the sunlight burns its skin causing it guide the characters through this portion of the
release him. The Oni stare at the group from the cov- quest.
er of building. History of the Lair:
PART 9 “Picking Teams” The lair is actually an old town that was buried
by a landslide. Inside the town was a portal to the
Location: Gunma Prefecture, Numata
underworld akin to a “Super Highway” for demons
While the beasts stare at the remainder of the par- to traverse dimensions. This portal was sealed by a
ty from the confines of the building, Hyosuke copper relic set in place by a priest. Recently, the
Kushimoto and Bensatori Furikken stare back. The relic has fallen out of place due to an earthquake,
Oni grunt and breathe calmly, as if calculating their and them moved allowing the portal to reopen. The
next attack on the soldiers. Their gaze never leaves opening of the portal blasted a hole through the
the party in an intimidating and haunting way. earth’s surface and the demons attacked Numata
Unafraid, Benisatori Furikken and Hyosuke mercilessly. To close the portal, the relic must be put
Kushimoto put their weapons away, without breaking back into the alter a top a raided area somewhere in
their gaze from their demonic enemy. the cave.
That poor man was trying to tell us that the beasts GM NOTES: Rewards:
cannot go into direct sunlight. -Experience Points= TBD
HYOSUKE KUSHIMOTO -Points of Renown= TBDx5
That means at night, no one will not be safe any- -Ki Energy= TBD
-Hansatsu= 550
-Kyoukan No Shuriken
We must inform Lord Ghoda. Kushimoto-san, you
will take the soldiers that have families, the wounded WGT AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
and those not willing to stay and fight, and return to
Kushihara castle, and inform Daimyo Ghoda of this .4 10 TR 5 1 1 1
encounter. Those of you willing to stay with me, will
join me in finding and destroying this menace at its POWER: Characters within 10ft. of target also
source. receive damages from attacks.