P. 48
Elder Quest In another room, Hyosuke Kushimoto and Beni-
satori Furikken have gathered the hand picked Kushi-
hara samurai to discuss details of the mission.
“Dead City”
Requirements: Advanced Level
NPC Characters of Contact Gathered with us are many of Kushihara’s best mem-
bers. Since you are here, you should feel honored.
-Daimyo Ghoda When we arrive in Numata tomorrow we are going to
-Hyosuke Kushimoto ask that several of you test the water to see what is
wrong with it. This may prove fatal, yet you will not
-Benisatori Furikken have died in vein. It is at this time that our brave
-Hidden Man members will be selected.
Prefectures GM NOTE: The PC(s) must roll 1D12 vs the GM to
- Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama; 76° determine if they are selected to test the waters. Five
rolls will be performed. After each roll, A name is
-Gunma Prefecture, Numata; 74° called determined by the lowest number cast. A
Locations name from the list below, if any of the PC(s) are not
selected, is called.
- Kushihara Castle
Samurai Selection List
- Numata City
Summary 1- Jube Kitami
Daimyo Ghoda has received complaints that wa- 2- Ren Hamura
ter coming down stream has an awful taste. The 3- Daichi Gamagori
Lord sends a team of his men to figure out how to
stop the pollution and peace can be restored in the 4- Akira Gosen
region. 5- Yagahira Saito
PART 1 “Summoned by the Boss”
PART 3 “The Road Frequently Traveled”
Location: Kushihara Castle
Location: Kanagawa and Gunma Prefectures
A host of 20 soldiers, including the PC(s), have
been summoned inside the Kushihara Castle. The Traveling through the prefectures on horseback,
group is standing in formation and the air is filled the group is met with a powerful rain storm.
with anxiety. It is queit and orderly. To make mat- G M NOTE: Apply all rules of factors of environ-
ters even more concerning, the group notices Elder ment during this part of the quest until the group ar-
members Benisatori Furikken and Hyosuke rives at the destination.
Kushimoto join the ranks at the front. The usual fun
loving pair looks serious and different than their nor- PART 4 “We’re Here”
mal selves. Shortly, Daimyo Ghoda, Leader of the
Kushihara Samurai Clan, walks into the room to in- Location: Gunma Prefecture, Numata
struct the group. When the group arrives at Numata it is growing
DIAMYO GHODA dark. The city is in ruins and is a disastrous scene of
There have been complaints about the flavor of the carnage. Most of the buildings are severely dam-
water running from Shibukawa to Numata in the aged. There are doors knocked off hinges and lying
Gunma Prefecture. Some have reason to believe this in the roads. The signs of shops are either splintered
pollution is an act of terrorism towards those living in
Numata. I’m asking that Master Furikken and Mas- or dangling off mounts. There are holes in many of
ter Kushimoto lead a team to Numata and alleviate the walls on both the ground floor and second story.
this problem. Those of you in this room have been Blood stains mark the streets. Debris is thrown in the
hand selected by them and should be honored to join road and evidence of violence is apparent.
them in this mission. You will adjourn from here and
go plan your venture. That is all. BENISATORI FURIKKEN
PART 2 “One, Two, Three, Not It!” Where do you suppose all of the inhabitants of this
city are?
Location: Kushihara Castle