P. 45
GM NOTE: Each Vagabond carries the listed at- PART 4a “Time Out”
tributes, techniques and weapons: Location: Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama
Attributes Belt Level: 1st Degree Black Belt After the battle, Shin Kuno decides that it is time
HEA CAR PhB MOV AWA DEF STR STA STE to regroup. He has figured that he has been targeted
and needs to think about a strategy. Shin Kuno de-
118 5 4 5 3 5 6 4 4 cides that the PC(s) need to rest at a nearby Inn.
Techniques Ki Energy: 80 SHIN KUNO
It is time to rest. This battle let’s me know that we
-Attack Heights: High -Guard Ground Pos Tech: Bot- have been targeted by someone. Let us regroup in
tom Full
-Attack Heights: Medium this city. We will eat and rest. In the morning we
-Def Non-Proj Tech: Clash I will continue our travels.
Attack Heights: Low
-Def Non-Proj Tech: Parry The group arrives at a nearby restaurant. PC(s)
-Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip I may order their favorite food and rest to regain
-Standing Grapple Tech: Break
-Special Tech: Jump Health Points.
-Special Tech: Spin GM NOTE: If any member of the party has sus-
-Choke Tech: Rear Naked
-Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip II tained severe injury, allow them to seek medical at-
-Def Non-Proj Tech: Clash II tention while the quest continues.
-Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip -Def Non-Proj Tech: Disarm
III After eating, Shin Kuno leads the group to the
-Choke Tech: Triangle Inn across the road. Inside the inn is relatively quiet.
-Standing Grapple Tech: Front A few patrons look the way of the Kushihara mem-
-Choke Tech: Lapel bers, then continue about their business.
-Standing Grapple Tech: Back
-Def Non-Proj Tech: Clash III
-Non-Proj Tech: Horizontal PART 4b “Why’d the Chicken?”
Strike -Def Non-Proj Tech: Disarm II Location: Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama
-Non-Proj Tech: Vertical -Back Throw Tech: Saito Su- Shin Kuno approaches the Inn Keeper, asks for
Strike plex form rooms and pays for each room for the party.
-Back Throw Tech: Back Drop -Front Throw Tech: Cross INN KEEPER
-Front Throw Tech: Hip Will you be needing any... SPECIAL company to-
Throw -Adv Non-Proj Tech: Firm night?
Grip I
-Non-Proj Tech: Diagonal GM NOTE: This is to the discretion of the PC(s),
Strike -Adv Non-Proj Tech: Absorb however, Shin Kuno will not cover this cost.
-Non-Proj Tech: Thrust -Sacrifice Throw Tech: Rear *Geisha Price: 50 Hansatsu/hr.
-Mount Ground Pos Tech: Top -Arm Joint Lock Tech: Armbar
PART 5 “While You Are Sleeping”
Vagabond Weapons
Location: Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama
Weapon 1: Refined Bo Staff
It’s late in the night. The group has been sleeping
WGT AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA for nearly three hours. A strange air lingers making
it difficult to find rest however because of something
.2 15 2 60 2 2 2 strange.
GM NOTE: Using the previous Vagabond attrib-
Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding Roll utes, techniques and weapons, one (1) Assassin per
Sub-Weapon 2: Basic Shuriken Qty: 5 member of Kushihara will attack the group. The As-
sassins will attempt to use Stealth Points to enter the
WGT AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA rooms and kill the Kushihara members. Members
awakened may do as they please.
.2 5 TR 5 1 1 1
Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding Roll