P. 26

Description: The newly constructed Nakatashi Castle       This Nakatashi territory is comprised of three
         is an illustrious master piece that is a focal point of   main features owned by the Nakatashi family:
         Japanese architecture.  Along  with the Nakatashi
         Shukuba (hosting a tavern, student/traveler housing,   A– NAKATASHI CASTLE
         stable and VIP Guest home) and the world renown
         Great Nakatashi Bridge stretching over the Takase      B– THE GREAT BRIDGE
         River, the property owned by the Nakatashi family
         has quickly grown to be a sight seeing destination for   C– NAKATASHI SHUKUBA
         all citizens of Japan.  The castle sits atop several acres      C1– Stable
         of plush greenery over looking one of Japan’s major
         rivers.                                                   C2– Nakatashi Tavern

                                                                   C3– Nakatashi Guest House

                                                                   C4– Nakatashi Student Housing
                                                                D- TAKASE RIVER

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