P. 21

Random  Encounters of the NAKATASHI District
         Man of Fame                                            War on Our Land

         Location: West; J10                                    Location: East; T2
         A wanderer accosts the PC(s) in the street. He asks if   The town Nakatashi guards are seen practicing new
         they will be travelling east anytime soon.  He wants   techniques on the regular citizens of the district. Ap-
         them to ensure that he is safe from people he thinks   parently a local bandit has hired a powerful ronin, so
         are after him.  Is he crazy or is he a person of high   training them for combat is called for.
         importance who could give them something of value?     Warui Kannushi

         Sweet Cakes                                            Location: West; I10
         Location: East; P21
                                                                The local Shinto Monks are paying gold for water
         The bakery has no cake. The baker explains it's be-    collected from the Tsubo River to treat a spreading of
         cause there's a shortage of milk.  The PC(s) are hired   an outbreak of pneumonia.  This needs looking into
         to assist the shop owner.                              because civilians are turning up missing after a visit
         Karma’s Call                                           with these monks.

         Location: West; R22                                    Mean Boss
                                                                Location: West; B31
         A patrol of the Shogun’s men rode fast along the
         main street of the Nakatashi District. They almost run   A local Blacksmith is not petitioning for work con-
         the PC(s) over, yet after bumping  into them an item   tracts; laborers are grumbling.  His strange actions
         falls off of the horse.  It is a scroll with instructions to   has made it seem as though he is no longer interested
         capture a criminal of the southern portion of the dis-  in forging any longer.
         trict for a handsome reward.  Do the PC(s) return the   The Friendly Ghost
         scroll, or collect the reward for themselves?
                                                                Location: East; P14
         Challenge to the Death
                                                                A Goryo approaches the group. It politely asks for
         Location: East; I25
                                                                help claiming that it lost its pet cat and needs help
         While riding a ferry under the Great Nakatashi Bridge   finding it. He promises a very handsome reward as
         one of the PC(s) looks up and locks eyes with a        well as “a powerful ally” if you find the creature.
         passerby.  While locking eyes with someone on the      Pending Danger
         bridge is said to bring good fortune, that person
         throws the PC(s) a bottle.  In the bottle is a note that   Location: East; N21
         reads, “Leave. Or be in the fight of your life”.       An Isshi crashes through the window and rolls over
         Off the Beaten Path                                    the ground. The symbol of the Nakatashi enemy,
                                                                Musuko No Sento No, is embroidered on his half-
         Location: East; Z5
                                                                cape. As he gets up, he panics and looks around, fix-
         The road leading North, just outside town, has been    ing his eyes upon the party. "The Kubikajiri are com-
         closed to traffic due to a rain storm knocking over    ing! We’re all going to die!"
         several trees. Merchants complain about the detour     The Sanitation Engineer
         they now incur that forces them to first head west off
         the beaten path.  Rumor has it, the detour cuts right   Location: West; P28
         through a known place of vagabonds and miscreants.     A large burly man has started a daily ritual of throw-
         The merchants offer to pay to have the PC(s) help      ing a his trash at the side of a Luxury House. He is
         them past the area of concern.                         not damaging the house, so he is not doing anything
         Medicinal Herb                                         that will make the local law enforcement arrest him,
                                                                but the owner wants him dealt with, and will pay you
         Location: West; E18
                                                                to get rid of him, however, this man proves to be a
         An apothecary will pay for certain herbs growing in    bigger challenge than initially thought.
         the foothills of Mount Hakkoda.

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