P. 20

PART 3b   “The Chase”                                  PART 4     “Giving Back What Is Owed”

         Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Aomori                    Location: Nakatashi Compound

            The angry man’s eyes grow wide at the over-            After retrieving the headband, the PC(s) make
         whelming force of the PC(s).  He quickly scrambles     their way back to the Nakatashi District.  They walk
         to his feet and turns and runs away to the north to es-  across the Great Bridge and to the castle.  At the gate
         cape the PC(s).                                        they are halted by a guard.  After mentioning that
                                                                they are the team to bring a gift to Genrei Nakatashi,
                   LAST SHIROI KISEKI RAIDER
                                                                they are allowed inside.  Shortly, Genrei Nakatashi
         You will never take this from me!  The Shiroi Kiseki    joins them in the castle’s front entrance area.
                        name will live forever!
                                                                              GENREI NAKATASHI
         GM NOTE: The PC(s) will have to catch the man          Thank you so much for bringing this back to me.  My
         and fight him to retrieve the headband.                  wife would not have been upset, but not having it
                                                                would have worried her, the next time I left the house
                                                                 for a mission.  You have demonstrated great bravery
                                                                  and did not have to for the sake of the Nakatashi
                                                                 school.  I offer you this reward.  I also offer you an
                                                                opportunity to become a student of mine, and train in
                                                                 the ways of Samura-kai.  Should you accept, I want
                                                                  you to wear this uniform and swear to the ways of
                                                                            Samura-kai.  Do you accept?
         NAME: Last Shiroi Kiseki Raider
                                                                GM NOTE: Rewards
         Attributes:                        Belt Level: Blue       -Experience Points= TBD
          HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
                                                                   -Points of Renown= TBD
           96    8     3     3     3     1    4     3    1         -Ki Energy= TBD

         Techniques:              Ki Energy: 164                   -Hansatsu= 50
                                                                   -Affiliation Points= 5
         -Attack Heights: High     -Standing Grapple Tech: Front      -Nakatashi Student Uniform
         -Attack Heights: Medium   -Strike Tech: Hook Punch
         -Attack Heights: Low      -Kicking Tech: Roundhouse
         -Falling Tech: Break Fall   -Non-Proj Tech: Basic
                                   Horizontal Strike
         -Special Tech: Jump
         -Special Tech: Spin       -Non-Proj Tech: Vertical
         -Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip I   -Striking Tech: Knife Hand
         -Non-Proj Tech: Proper        -Kicking Tech: Hook Kick
         Grip III
         -Unarmed Tech: Jab Punch   -Mount Grnd Pos Tech: Top
                                   -Guard Grnd Pos Tech: Full
         -Kicking Tech: Front Snap   Guard

         Weapon: Basic Yari
         Weight    AtP    Rng     LiE    Mas     Vel    CoA

            .5     15       2      12      1      2      1

         Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding Roll

                                                                                            Nakatashi Student Uniform

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