P. 19

Genrei Nakatashi respectfully bows to the PC(s)        A single man stands at the top of a hill looking
         then turns to his wife.                                down at the PC(s).  He is hold a weathered Yari, and

                       GENREI NAKATASHI                         points aggressively at the PC(s).  Atop the man’s
           My love, I need to speak with them privately for a   head is the very same headband Genrei Nakatashi
                      moment.  Please excuse us.                described and has sent the PC(s) to retrieve.

            Mei Nakatashi bows to her husband and walks         GM NOTE: The PC(s) need to figure out how they
         away.  Genrei Nakatashi motions to the group to fol-   are going to get the headband from the man.  Admit-
         low him, and they walk away from the celebration.      ting the headband belongs to the Nakatashi will in-

                       GENREI NAKATASHI                         furiate the man.  Should they do so, Roll 1D4 odds &
                                                                Evens to see if this causes him to attack or runaway.
         The attack on the Shiroi Kiseki was carried out flaw-
           lessly.  We encircled the camp, and executed our
          plans with efficiency and minimal casualties.  How-   PART 3a   “The Attack”
          ever, during the attack I lost my headband.  To most   Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Aomori
         men this would not be a problem.  They would simple
          purchase another, but this one was special.  My wife      The talking stops, as the angry man swiftly spins
          gave it to me to only wear in battle.  I would like for   his a few times before it rests in his other palm.  He
         you to retrieve it for me.  This will be a sort of “final
          trail”.  For all that you have done for my family, you   snaps it into position, pointing it toward the PC(s)
           have proven that you have what it takes to become    with a loud kiai.  With his spear ready, the man
          one of us.  I will reward you, and grant you tutelage   shouts as he charges down the hill to the group.
          in Samura-kai upon completion of this task.  Find it,
           and bring it to the Nakatashi castle.  I will arrange         LAST SHIROI KISEKI RAIDER
         that they know you have a gift for me and the will let   You will never take this from me!  Jube Achidoma’s
          you inside.  Now I must go.  I have been away from                   name will live forever!
             my wife for too long.  She worries, you know.
                                                                GM NOTE: The PC(s) will have to fight the man to
            Genrei Nakatashi bows respectfully to the group     get the headband.  When the NPC’s HEA reaches 45,
         and excuses himself.  The festivities continues into
         the night.                                             he will attempt to run away.

         PART 2     “Search and Rescue”

         Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Aomori
            The next morning, the PC(s) have travelled to the
         site of the Shiroi Kiseki Gang camp.   It still shows
         signs of conflict and death, and gives the PC(s) an
         exact account for how much their information made
         way for progress.  As the group walks into the camp,
         buzzards fly away.   The air smells of blood, and
         blood stains the grass and dirt of the area.  Several of
         the camp’s structures are mostly destroyed, and bro-
         ken pieces of weaponry lie on the field.

         GM NOTE: The PC(s) should look for the headband
         in the mess  of the remains of the Shiroi Kiseki Gang.
            While searching through the debris of the battle-
         field a shout is heard from the distance.

                   LAST SHIROI KISEKI RAIDER
         Get away from here!  This is sacred ground!  The bur-
         ial sight of Jube Achidoma and the Shiroi Kiseki will
                    not be desecrated by poachers!

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