P. 18

PART 4     “Report”                                    quest 3: “Aftermath”

         Location: Nakatashi Compound                           Requirements: 10 Nakatashi Affiliation Points
            The PC(s) have returned to the Nakatashi Castle.    NPC Characters of Contact
         Using the code word they are invited inside.  They        -Mei Nakatashi
         stand in the Entrance area of the castle.  The dark
         brown wooden floors and plush greenery inside point       -Genrei Nakatashi
         to Nakatashi’s notable wealth.   To the left and right      -Last Shiroi Kiseki Raider
         of this enclosed area are doors.  A Nakatashi student
         wearing a red belt stands inside the room with the PC  Properties
         (s).  Mei Nakatashi shortly meets the PC(s) on the        -Nakatashi District
         entering the entrance area from the left.  She greets      -Nakatashi Compound
         the group with a bow.
                         MEI NAKATASHI
                                                                   -Tohoku Prefecture, Aomori; 70°
                     What have you discovered?
            The PC(s) should report their findings about the
         Shiro Kiseki to Mei Nakatashi.                            While watching the Nakatashi fireworks celebra-
                                                                tion for the victory over the Shiroi Kiseki Gang, the
                         MEI NAKATASHI
                                                                PC(s) are offered an opportunity by Genrei Nakatashi
          Excellent work!  As promised, the Nakatashi is pre-
         pared to reward you once again.  People like you are   himself, to retrieve an item he left on the battlefield.
          a rare breed.  The Nakatashi may call on your assis-  He guarantees a reward like no other for the comple-
                         tance one final time.                  tion of this mission.
         GM NOTE: Rewards                                       PART 1     “Rocket’s Red Glare”
            -Experience Points= TBD
                                                                Location: Takashiro District
            -Points of Renown= TBD
            -Ki Energy= TBD                                        It’s night time in the Nakatashi District.  The Na-
                                                                katashi have recently thwarted the plans of the Shiroi
            -Hansatsu= 35
                                                                Kiseki Gang and extinguished the threat against their
            -Affiliation Points= 5                              home.  Restoration of the all of the buildings has

                                                                nearly been completed, and the citizens of the district
                                                                are celebrating the recent victory with a fireworks
                                                                display in the sky above the Nakatashi district.  The
                                                                PC(s) have joined the crowd and watch the beautiful
                                                                display of fire and flash amidst the stars.

                                                                   From behind, one of the PC(s) is tapped on the
                                                                shoulder.  They turn to see the district’s aristocratic
                                                                power couple,  Mei Nakatashi standing behind her
                                                                husband the Grand Master, Genrei Nakatashi.
                                                                                MEI NAKATASHI
                                                                 And these are the ones that gave us the information
                                                                 that helped us defeat the Shiroi Kiseki so easily my

                                                                              GENREI NAKATASHI
                                                                Hmph, and you aren't even members of the Nakatashi
                                                                        yet?  We thank you for your service.
                                             Gataki Nakatashi

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