P. 16

GM NOTE: Rewards
         PART 3     “To Catch the Predators”
                                                                   -Experience Points= TBD
         Location: Nakatashi District
                                                                   -Points of Renown= TBD
             The PC(s) notice that the Raiders have attempted      -Ki Energy= TBD
         to escape, by running south down the main road.
                                                                   -Hansatsu= 75
         GM NOTE: As a contingency, the Raiders have set a         -Affiliation Points= 5
         trap for Nakatashi members who chases them away.
         Three Raiders will be waiting for the PC(s) if they    Quest 2: “Know Thy Enemy”
         chose to pursue them.                                  Requirements: 5 Nakatashi Affiliation Points

            The PC(s) chose to follow the raiders as they flee   NPC Characters of Contact
         south along the main road then off the beaten path        -Mei Nakatashi
         and up a tall hill.  When the PC(s) reach the top of
         the hill, the Raiders have stopped running and are     Properties
         waiting for them.                                         -Nakatashi District

                             RAIDER #1                          Environment
         So… you think you’re going to kill us?  Heh, the Na-      -Tohoku Prefecture, Aomori 68°
         katashi should ‘ve sent someone stronger!  Kill them!
         PART 4     “Meeting Mei”
                                                                   The PC(s) have stayed in the Nakatashi District
         Location: Nakatashi District
                                                                for a few days and have witnessed the host family’s
            The last Raider stands as the PC(s) converge on     dedication to restoring the eastern area after the raid.
         him.  He’s battered, and afraid and falls backwards    As, the PC(s) walk down the street they are met by
         into a seated position and slowly crawls backwards     Mei Nakatashi and given a unique opportunity.
         away from the group losing control of the Tanto he
         was holding.                                           PART 1     “Sight Seeing”
                                                                Location: Takashiro District
          Y-You think you can stop us?!! W-We’ll take over         The PC(s) have ventured into the Nakatashi Dis-
         this area... with ease!  The Shiroi Kiseki Gang… The   tict and are walking past the raided area.  Reconstruc-
           Shiroi Kiseki Gang is strong!...  Stronger than the   tion has begun to take place on the buildings, includ-
         Nakatashi!...  Y-Y-You’d be wise to join us!...  If you
         don’t... you will be killed with the rest of the Naka—   ing the inn, that were burnt in the previous raid.  Mo-
                                                                rale seems to be high with the citizens from some of
            An arrow flies into the man’s neck killing him      the banter that can be heard from the construction
         instantly.  Again, The archer is Mei Nakatashi.  After   crews.  As they walk and observe, they see a familiar
         her successful shot, she approaches the group.
                                                                face.  Mei Nakatashi is directing one of the construc-
                         MEI NAKATASHI                          tion efforts.  She is wearing an elaborate kimono suit-
          Thank you for your assistance.  This crisis has been   able for an aristocrat.  It flows to the ground bellows
          averted.  It appears that our district is under attack.    out almost as if she grew from the ground and blos-
          As promised, for your services, I will give you this   somed into the well preserved woman who is giving
         small token of appreciation.  The Nakatashi will find
          out where this Shiroi Kiseki is, and eliminate them.    commands to a construction crew.  She turns and no-
         In further endeavors, I want to know if the Nakatashi   tices the group.
          can rely on your services again?  If so, we may seek
                               you out.                                         MEI NAKATASHI
                                                                 Konichwa!  I’ve been wondering where you disap-
                                                                 peared to, thought you may have left our area.  I’m
                                                                  glad you haven’t.  I need to talk to you, privately.
                                                                        Walk with me.   We cannot talk here.

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