P. 31


                         C4               C4

          C– NAKATASHI SHUKUBA                                 C4– Student Housing Facility (First Floor)

         Total Dimensions: 109ft..x59ft.x 10ft.                Dimensions: 36ft.x30ft.x10ft.
         The Nakatashi Shukuba is a slightly different post    Students of the Nakatashi Family Dojo may live in
         station in that it offers more luxurious amenities, es-  this facility comprised of several 10’x15’ rooms.
         pecially to those staying as extended guests of the Na-  Most ranking members possessions are found in the
         katashi family.  This post provides a place were      rooms provided.  Each room may be shared by two
         where travelers may rest on their journey around the   students.  Often times members of the Nakatashi dojo
         nation.                                               are asked to give up their room for visitors of the ar-
                                                               ea.  Compliant students are invited to move into the
         C1– Horse Stable
                                                               Nakatashi castle temporarily as a perk.
         Dimensions: 20ft.x10ft.x8ft.
                                                               the way.
         Horse stable will always have 1D4 horses available.
         C2- Nakatashi Tavern


         The Nakatashi Tavern is a famous places where peo-
         ple can purchase beverages as well as a limited varie-
         ty of cuisine, which is usually limited to what is avail-
         able in an area.  The food available at this location is
         some of the finest in the land.

         GM NOTE: All Favorite Foods eaten at this location
         offer 2xHEA points restored.
         C3– VIP Guest House

         Dimensions: 23ft.x20ft.13ft.
         Dignified guests who visit the Nakatashi Castle are
         invited to stay in these lavish suites.  Usually reserved
         for people of the government, this location will only
         house one guest.                                                                      Genrei and Mei Nakatashi

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