P. 34

Kyujutsu No Nakatashi


         Tournament Rules                                       Rules: In three rounds contestants use projectile

         Summary:  The second of the Nakatashi Tournament            rules to showcase their skills in a targeting tour-
         series is a showcase of projectile, martial arts skill.     nament.
         Sixteen contestants from schools around Japan are           -Follow the rules of Projectile usage (found on
         invited to partake in this event to determine which        pg. 58 of the Ninja vs. Samurai RPG Player’s
         school is teaching the most effective techniques.          Manual).
         This competition held between the months of April-          -After a successful shot, players roll 1D20 vs the
         June.                                                      GM and subtract the total.  The difference is the
                                                                    score for the shot (negative outcome= Bullseye).
         Participation Requirements:
                                                                     -After three shots, add the scores together to get
             -Intermediate-Advanced Belt Level                      the contestant’s score for that round.
             -Yumi                                                   -The lowest score advances to the next bracket.
             -Ya are provided by the tournament                     Ties are given a “Sudden Death” opportunity
                                                                    between the tied contestants.
             -Title as Kyujutsu No Nakatashi Tournament
             Champion                                               Day 1: First and second rounds of division
             -Hansatsu= 250.00 to Tournament winner
             -Golden Kyujutsu No Nakatashi Champion                 Day 2: Semi Final
             Medallion                                              Day 3: Championship competition
             -Hansatsu= 100.00 to Semi-Final contestants

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