P. 39

PART 3    “Merchant Market Meeting”                                       MERCHANT
                                                                 Master.  Forgive me.  I sold it to a man named Mit-
         Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Aomori                    suhide.  I do not believe he will give it back unfortu-
            After selecting and mounting the horse(s) the PC    nately.  He was very interested in the item, knew a lot
                                                                  of history about it.  He said something about how
         (s) follow Takagi and Gataki Nakatashi out of the      having the pendant would ‘sway the balance of pow-
         Shukuba.                                                er in this region’.  I didn’t really pay attention, I was
                                                                 more excited about how much he wanted to pay for
                       TAGAKI NAKATASHI                                            it.  I apologize.

           Now brother, who is this man, and where was he                     TAKAGI NAKATASHI
                     when… the two of you met?
                                                                                   Where is he?
                       GATAKI NAKATASHI
         He was a travelling merchant in the upper east of our
                           district near the--                   You can find him in a camp about five miles to the
                                                                 north outside of the Nakatashi border.  He won’t be
                       TAGAKI NAKATASHI                          alone.  He had several people with him when I saw

                    Then that is where we will go!               him, and I’m fairly sure he has several others where
                                                                 ever he went.  Please be careful, he wasn’t the kind-
            The group rides to the location Gataki Nakatashi                        est of souls.
         mentioned.  The merchant is excited to see Gataki         Takagi mounts his horse, jerks the reigns to turn
         Nakatashi again, and approaches the group from be-     his horse and rides off leaving the rest of the party
         hind the caravan toward Gataki Nakatashi, holding a    behind.  The Merchant and Gataki Nakatashi ex-
         large fish.                                            change a look of disbelief with Tagaki’s behavior.

                            MERCHANT                                          TAKAGI NAKATASHI
         Sir!  It is so good to see you!  I want you to have this.             Nakatashi!  Move out!
          It is the largest one I’ve ever caught!  Please, take it            GATAKI NAKATASHI
                              and enjoy.
                                                                Thank you for the information, sir.  Know that this is
                       TAGAKI NAKATASHI                                    no fault of yours.  Go in peace.
           Brother, tell him why we are here.  We don’t have                  TAKAGI NAKATASHI
                         time for pleasantries.
                                                                                 GATAKI! NOW!
                       GATAKI NAKATASHI
                                                                   Gataki Nakatashi mounts his horse and rides to
         Thank you good citizen, I will enjoy this in your hon-  catch up to the group.
          or.  I have a questions.  When we encountered each
           other the other day, I accidently gave you a golden   PART 4     “With Sugar on Top?”
         pendant.  Tell me sir, might you still be in possession
                             of said item?                      Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Aomori
                                                                   It’s been a long ride, and as the sun sets, the
         Oh goodness no, Sir.  That pendant paid off all of my   group arrives at the outskirts of the small camp.
             debts, and I was able to buy new equipment!
                                                                Looking down from a high hill they can observe a
            Takagi angrily hops off of his horse and marches    setup that resembles a military formation of tents.
         toward the merchant.  He gets in the merchants face.   Posted guards can be seen in strategic locations.
                       TAKAGI NAKATASHI                                       GATAKI NAKATASHI

                          You did WHAT?!!                        Hmmm… you are going to go down there and nego-
                       GATAKI NAKATASHI                         tiate a meeting with Mitsuhide-san to see if this mat-
                                                                     ter can be resolved quickly and peacefully.
            TAKAGI!!  You will not accost this merchant!
         Please forgive my brother.  The task at hand has trou-  GM NOTE: The PC(s) should select an entrance to
         bled him so, and he has forgotten his ethics.  Please, if   discuss a meeting with Mitsuhide.  No matter what
          you could, tell us where the pendant is, I would ap-  the PC(s) say to the guard(s) they will not be granted
                              preciate it.
                                                                a meeting.  Starting a fight will bring the entire army.

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