P. 42

After the PC(s) are rejected by the Mitsuhide       Tagaki Nakatashi shrugs the look off and continues,
         Guards, they return to the Nakatashi twins.            returning a hard stare to Gataki as he commands the

                       TAKAGI NAKATASHI                         PC(s).
          The would not negotiate would they?  I thought not.                 TAGAKI NAKATASHI
         That is why I sent you.  No bother, we will wait until
             night fall and find Mitsuhide, and the pendant.    Search the tent.  If the pendant is not here, Mitsuhide
                                                                          may live.  If he is lying, he dies.
         PART 5     “Movement Under the Night Sky”              GM NOTE: The Pendant is not in the tent.
         Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Aomori
                                                                PART 6     “Take the Pendant, and My Heart”
            Nightfall.  Crickets and frogs chirp in the night
         providing a soundtrack for the night’s adventures.     Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Iwate
         The group has approached the camp and is hiding, in       It is sunrise.  The group has ridden through the
         a patch of tall grass across the road from the main en-  night, and is now approaching the city of Iwate.
         trance of the camp.  The guards can be seen watching   Tagaki Nakatashi spies a citizen of the area, and
         and occasionally socializing as the night lingers on.     pauses the convoy with a raised hand.
         GM NOTE: Using Stealth, the PC(s) should locate                      TAGAKI NAKATASHI
         Mitsuhide to interrogate him.  If the PC(s) are spotted   You there, can you tell me where we can find the
         by a Guard they will have two melee rounds to stop                       merchant Yasui?
         him from alerting the rest of the camp.                                     CITIZEN
            The group has successfully infiltrated the camp     Ahh, yes.  His shop is just up the road there.  He trav-
                                                                  els a lot, I think that’s why his shop is on the out-
         and captured Mitsuhide.  Takagi instructs the PC(s) to   skirts of the city.  If he’s there, he will be opening
         hold Mitsuhide while he is interrogated, and ensure                           soon.
         that he does not escape.
                                                                   The group travels along the road for a short while
         GM NOTE: Periodically, roll 1D4 Odds & Evens to        until they arrive at a shop on the outskirts of the city.
         see if Mitsuhide will try to escape.                   Just as told, there is a man opening the store.  A few
                                                                other shop owners ae doing the same and having a
                       TAGAKI NAKATASHI
                                                                casual conversation across the road.  The group stops
              We’ve come for the pedant.  Where is it?!!
                                                                in front of the first merchant.
                                                                              TAGAKI NAKATASHI
                 I-I… have no idea what you speak of
                                                                      You there.  Are you the merchant, Yasui?
                       TAGAKI NAKATASHI
                                                                             I am.  Who wants to know?
            Tagaki Nakatashi grabs a tuft of Mitsuhide’s hair
         and looks him sternly in the eyes.  The two share a       Tagaki Nakatashi dismounts, and walks toward
         stare for a short while, until Mitsuhide’s eyes drop   Yasui.  Sensing trouble, Gataki Nakatashi hurriedly
         with a disappointed sigh.                              hops off of his horse as well and follows his twin.
                                                                              TAGAKI NAKATASHI
                                                                 You have something that belongs to the Nakatashi,
           The truth is, the pedant is no longer here.  When I
          found out the pendant would no longer give me the                   and we want it returned.
            power I desire, I sold it to a travelling merchant                        YASUI
          named Yasui.  Yasui-san was heading for Iwate.  Go
          ahead, search my tent.  It’s gone.  I have failed as a                   What is this?!!
            leader.  My plan was to disband my army in the                    TAGAKI NAKATASHI
             morning since there is no point to the mission.
                                                                 The pendant belongs to our family.  Mitsuhide said
            Takagi Nakatashi let’s go of Mitsuhide’s hair.      he recently sold it to you.  Return it and no harm will
         Gataki Nakatashi send his twin a disapproving glare.                       come to you.

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