P. 46
ELDER QUEST the PC(s) meet. Suddenly, she wipes her eyes, ad-
justs her clothing and both she and Gataki Nakatashi
“A Love Like No Other” walk off.
PART 2 “Self-Invite”
Requirements: Intermediate Level
NPC Characters of Contact Location: Nakatashi Castle Shukuba
-Mei Nakatashi A few uneventful days later the PC(s) are walking
in the district. Suddenly, a messenger comes up to
-Akane Fujihama
them wearing the Nakatashi Mondokoro. The Naka-
-Takagi Nakatashi tashi messenger hands them two scrolls.
-Ninja Mei Nakatashi has assigned me to find you. These
are your orders. The scroll marked for you is your
Properties instructions for this mission. The other is not to be
opened by anyone except Lady Akane.
-Nakatashi Castle
The Nakatashi messenger bows and runs off into
the distance. The PC(s) are left holding both scrolls.
-Tohoku Prefecture, Aomori; 55°
GM NOTE: The PC(s) should open the scroll that is
-Hokkaido Prefecture, Hakodate; 41° addressed to them. It reads:
There have only been two people able to calm the
hot-blooded Takagi Nakatashi in recent years; his
twin brother and his love interest, Akane Fujihama. Thank you for your assis-
Lately, Tagaki has been more aggressive than usual tance in this matter.
towards friends, and family, including his brother. Please take the second
After a long loving talk with her son, Mei finds out scroll to the Fujihama house
that Akane Fujihama has concocted an evil plan to in Hakodate and deliver it to
kill both heads of each family in order to expedite the Lady Akane. Let no other per-
couple’s rise to fame, fortune and control. Infuriated, son handle the message, as it
Mei gathers several of her students to pay the young contains information that is
lady a visit, and set the overly ambitious girl straight. detrimental to the peace of
our nation. I will be expect-
PART 1 “Unmitigated Gall” ing a briefing upon your re-
turn to our sanctuary.
Location: Nakatashi Castle Shukuba
Thank you, warriors. You
While dining at the Nakatashi Tavern the PC(s) will be rewarded handsomely
notice Mei, Gataki and Tagaki Nakatashi interacting for your services.
in a most unusual way. The Nakatashi mother loving-
ly reaches for her son, Tagaki, who aggressively pulls -Mei Nakatashi
away from her grasp and storms away. Mei Naka-
tashi stands reaching for him with an emotionally
shaky hand. Her lips are parted, as if she wants to say GM NOTE: Before embarking on this journey, the
something, yet nothing comes out. Finally, a single PC(s) should discuss their methodology for this mis-
tear runs down her face. Gataki Nakatashi comforts sion. There is no guide character for this portion.
his mother by pulling her to him allowing her head to
rest on his shoulder. Mei Nakatashi and the eyes of