P. 50

With Akane Fujihama captured, the group is lead                    AKANE FUJIHAMA
         by Mei Nakatashi away from the Fujihama Estate.         You think this is a joke?!! We will destroy you all!
         Once off the property, Mei Nakatashi leads the group   My family will swoop down upon you like a plague!!
         to an open area.                                       There will be nothing left of the Nakatashi!  The his-
                                                                 tory books will forget who you were as if you never
         PART 9     “Reckoning”                                                       existed!

         Location: Hokkaido Prefecture; Hakodate                   Mei Nakatashi’s eye twitches as Akane Fujihama
                                                                regains her balance.  Deliberately, Mei Nakatashi
            Mei Nakatashi has walked the group up a hill and    prepares her bow.  Akane continues to rant, but Mei
         stops the group in a  large open field.  The view is   Nakatashi speaks to the group while she is talking.
         majestic.  In the distance the sun is rising cascading
         light and shadow over the other hills.  Down toward                    MEI NAKATASHI
         the valley the Fujihama Estate can be seen peeking      Nakatashi.  Pay attention.  Today, I will teach you a
         out amidst the trees and foliage of the back drop.     new technique.  For your shot to be true, you must be
                                                                  spiritually aligned.  Ashibumi is the foundation of
            Mei Nakatashi orders the PC(s) to put Akane Fu-       good shooting. Without a stable Ashibumi, proper
         jihama down.  Mei pulls the bag off of Akane’s head,    shooting is virtually impossible.  Dozukuri, once the
                                                                  feet are set, the posture of the upper body must be
         stares at her with an evil never before seen form the   aligned accordingly. Special attention must be given
         Nakatashi mother, and slaps her.                         to the so-called three-cross relationship, where the
                                                                 shoulders, hips and feet are held in line with one an-
                         MEI NAKATASHI                              other.  Uchiokoshi, the bow is raised perfectly
          Do you know why you’re here?  Remember when I           straight with the nocked arrow held parallel to the
          told you to mistreat Tagaki?  I don’t like what you     floor.  Kai, “The Meeting”.  This stage shows that
          did… trying to turn him against me.  You were sup-    each of the previous stages of shooting form kai. The
         posed to become one of us… carry on our bloodline.           release is a natural result of their meeting.
         You’re lucky… today.  You may return to your estate        Mei Nakatashi lets an arrow fly that sails through
          if you can make it, but never speak to Tagaki again.     the air and strikes Akane Fujihama between the eyes.
            Akane Fujihama stares at Mei and the rest of the      She dies instantly dropping heavily to the ground.
         Nakatashi in disbelief.  She opens her mouth to                  MEI NAKATASHI (Continues)
         speak, but Mei Nakatashi interrupts her before any      The shooting does not end with the release of the ar-
         sound is emitted.                                       row, it ends with Zanshin, and is where the secret of
                                                                  this technique lies.   The word Zanshin can mean
                         MEI NAKATASHI                            “remaining body or spirit”.  Use this technique to

                    Go!  Before I change my mind.                serve you well.  When we return to our home, I will
                                                                 reward you monetarily.   On behalf of Genrei Naka-
            Akane Fujihama begins sobbing uncontrollably          tashi, and the Nakatashi family, your assistance in
         as she turns from the party, and begins walking down             this matter will not be forgotten.
         the hill toward her home.  Mei Nakatashi watches         GM NOTE: Awards
         with anger burning in her gaze.  Akane Fujihama           -Experience Points= TBD
         stumbles and falls along her way, and Mei Nakatashi       -Points of Renown= TBD
         laughs at her.  Akane struggles to regain her balance
         on the uneven terrain, and Mei scoffs at her.             -Ki Energy= TBD
                                                                   -Hansatsu= 350
                                                                   -Special Technique: Hunter’s Glare

          TECHNIQUES          DESCRIPTION                          EFFECTS                    Ki Energy   Exp. Points
                                                                                                USED       to Buy
            Hunter’s      The most controlled       +10 to Critical  Strike roll; +8 to Fatal
              Glare       technique used to max-   Strike roll; +25 to Ya Rng.; x2 AtP
                                                                                                 50         N/A

                          imize Yumi usage
             (Recharge)                            Status Effect: Odds & Evens Bleeding roll
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55