P. 45

Ganryu Yakama’s eyes dart between his daughter
                                                                and Gataki Nakatashi disapprovingly.  He slides be-
                                                                tween the twos’ exchange of glances.
                                                                              TAGAKI NAKATASHI
                                                                   Here is your cursed plant.  Give us the pendant.

                                                                               GANRYU YAKAMA
                                                                 Watch your tone young man.  Respect my house, or
                                                                              suffer the consequences.

                                                                              GATAKI NAKATASHI
                                                                  Yamaka-san, excuse my brother.  Our long travels
                                                                  have made us weary.  With our exchange, we will
                                                                  return home.  This excursion has allowed our stu-
                                                                 dents to prove themselves in the field.  They will be
                                                                 rewarded when we return to our district.  Thank you
                                                                          for you assistance in this matter.

                                                                   Gataki Nakatashi leads a bow to Ganryu Yakama.
                                                                Before they leave, Megumi Yakama and Gataki Na-
                                                                katashi share a romantic glance that the entire group
                                                                notices.  Ganryu Yakama’s eyes light up with fury

         PART 9     “Thank you, and Goodbye”                    and he hurries his beautiful daughter inside.
                                                                GM NOTE: Rewards
         Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Akita
                                                                   -Experience Points= TBD
            The Great Butterbur has been located, and the
         group has gathered and stares at the over-sized, green      -Points of Renown= TBD
         leaves of the plant.  It’s size makes the PC(s) under-     -Ki Energy=TBD
         stand why picking the plant is such a daunting task       -Hansatsu= 325
         for one man.  Not being able to touch it                  -Item= Exquisite Tachi
                       TAGAKI NAKATASHI                          Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA

          That’s it?  It’s… huge.  I could literally hide behind   1       40      2     150      0       1     1
                             those leaves.
                        GATAKI NAKATSHI                         Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens bleeding roll

         Ah yes brother, but remember Master Yakama said to
          not touch it with our bare hands.  How are we going
                     to pick and carry this thing?

         GM NOTE: The Great Butterbur is a robust peren-
         nial, topping out at about 3 feet in height, and with a
         spread of up to 5 feet. The plant, has pinkish flowers
         at its center.  In order to pick the center stalk needs
         to be cut/broken (Center Stalk AR= 10).  The PC(s)
         should devise a plan that involves picking and carry-
         ing the plant back to the Yakama house.

            The group returns to the Yakama house with the
         plant.  This time, Tagaki Nakatashi accompanies the
         group to the front door.  After a knock on the door,
         both Ganryu and Megumi Yakama answer.  Megumi
         Yakama acts surprised to see Gataki Nakatashi.                  Gataki Nakatashi with Ganryu and Megumi Yakama

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