P. 43

YASUI                               With the groups, supplies restocked, they mount
                             The wha?!!!                        their horses to head for their next destination, Akita.
            Just before Tagaki Nakatashi can reiterate, Gataki   PART 7     “The Enchantress”
         Nakatashi politely interrupts.
                                                                Location: Yakama House
                       GATAKI NAKATASHI
                                                                   The group approaches the Yakama house.  There
          Good sir.  Forgive us.  Our travels through the night
         has worn away at our kingliness.  Another merchant,    is an eerie, ominous air as they enter the territory.
         Mitsuhide, told us that he recently sold you a golden   The Bloodgood maple trees seem to absorb the sound
          feather.  W rode through the night and are willing to   out of the area.  The large pond remains motionless
                   pay you for it should you have it.           despite the pleasant breeze.
                                                                              GATAKI NAKATASHI
           Ahhh!!! Hahaha… Yessss!!!  That!!  I remember
          now.  I’m sorry sirs, I no longer have that pendant.    The Yakama are a secretive family of which a lot is
         You see, I gave it to the most beautiful woman I have   yet to be known.  Best we remain humble, as we are
         ever laid eyes on… as a gift.  I gave it to her trying to           this far from home, Takagi.
          woo her.  I was so close.  She accepted the pendant,      As the group approaches the Yakama House, Ga-
         and my advances for a while, but then… her father…     taki Nakatashi sends a hand signal to Takagi Naka-
          or brother… came, and whisked her away.  I asked
          around about the Restoration in Beauty Mondokoro      tashi, to stay behind.  To the PC(s), he gives a motion
         they wore, she was Akita bijin.  So, today will be the   for them to accompany him.
          last day I will have a store in Iwate.  I have decided
          to move my store closer to her, and one day, make        The group dismounts, and walks up the stairs to
                            her my bride.                       the front door of the Yakama house.  Gataki Naka-
            Frustrated, Tagaki Nakatashi returns to his steed.    tashi kindly knocks on the door.  A moment passes,
         He silently mounts and waits for his brother to do the   and the door opens slightly.
         same.                                                     The enchanting eyes of Megumi Yakama peer

                               YASUI                            through the crack at the group taking time to size up
                                                                each member.  Her lips part in the sweetest of smiles,
          It’s a long ride to Akita.  Might you may want to re-
           plenish your supplies inside.  Come, have a look.    and she opens the door just enough to slide her

                      YASUI’S SHOP ITEMS                        shapely frame through the opening.  Her kimono falls
                                                                off of her shoulder and open slightly exposing the
            Item                         Qty.    Price (ea./pr)   smooth skin of her chest as she bows to greet the

           Dou of Ward Fire              1          400         group.

           Costume: Priest               2          25                  MEGUMI YAKAMA (Seductively)
                                                                Welcome to the house of Ganryu Yakama.  How may
           Medicine: 1 Dozen Pills       5          50
                                                                                    I help you?
           Medicine: 2 Dozen Pills       3          95             Gataki is stricken by Megumi’s beauty and stam-

           Yukata                        6          15          mering at a loss for words.  She notices and smiles at
                                                                him tolerantly.  Suddenly, a strong voice echoes from
           Extreme Concoction of Grit  1            15
                                                                behind the door.
           Kimono                        10         60
                                                                               GANRYU YAKAMA
           Straw hat                     24         10                   Who is at the door sweet daughter?

           Basic Potion of Wellbeing     6          150            Megumi Yakama gasps loudly and her eyes wid-

           Basic Poison of Atrophy       3          75          en at the sound of Ganryu Yakamas’s voice echoes
                                                                through the home.  She motions the group away as
           Strong Concoction of  Illness 4          150         she slithers through the partially opened door once

           Poison of Lethargy            2          75          again.  From behind the door you can hear Megumi

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