P. 47

PART 3     “Meeting the Lady”                          sition in preparation for anything (+1 AWA) making
                                                                their weapons clatter.  She reaches for the message.
         Location: Hokkaido Prefecture; Hakodate
                                                                GM NOTE: The PC(s) should hand her the scroll.
             The group has made their way to Hokkaido Pre-
         fecture; Hakodate, a short trip across the strait, and      Akane Fujihama pulls open the scroll in front of
         has arrived at the front gate of the Fujihama house.     the audience, and reads silently.  She gives a slight
                                                                chuckle, then laughs out loud.
             After knocking on the locked gate the party waits
         patiently until someone from the inside responds.                     AKANE FUJIHAMA
         Time passes, and the call is finally answered.         Is she expecting a response from me?  Well, you tell
                                                                Okusan Nakatashi that she has nothing to fear.  Naka-
                        FUJIHAMA GUARD                           tashi Tagaki will remain here, with me, and that she
                                                                 will not have to worry about seeing him again.  The
                 Who goes there?  What do you want?
                                                                  young man will collect his inheritance when it is
         GM NOTE: The guard will try to take the letter from       time, and we will grow our family with honor.
         the PC(s) and suggest that he will deliver the scroll to      Akane Fujihama turns around and walks away
         Lady Akane.  The PC(s) must use PhB to convince the    from the PC(s) with her guards.  After a few paces
         guard that they need to deliver the letter.  Successful   she pauses and speaks to the PC(s) over her shoulder.
         PhB rolls will allow the PC(s) entrance into the
         courtyard of the Fujihama Estate, but no further,                     AKANE FUJIHAMA
                                                                  On second thought, I will send Tagaki back to his
         while they wait for Lady Fujihama to come to them.     home, to meet with Okusan Nakatashi and quell this
         Guard attributes are found on page 46.                 tiff.  I’m sure it is all a misunderstanding.  Nakatashi
             After a while Akane Fujihama arrives in front of   Tagaki will return home tomorrow.  Give my apolo-
                                                                               gies to Nakatashi Mei.
         the PC(s) she is accompanied by two guards, one on
         each side.                                                With that, Akane Fujihama swiftly walks away
                                                                until she is out of sight.
         GM NOTE: In this very delicate situation, the PC(s)
         should demonstrate the utmost respect for Akane Fu-                   FUJIHAMA GUARD
         jihama.  Not showing respect will escalate the situa-    Alright.  You have your answer.  Tagaki Nakatshi
                                                                 will return to his home tomorrow.  By the grace of
         tion, and may cause Akane Fujihama to have her         Akane Fujihama, you may return to deliver  the mes-
         guards, attack, apprehend or even kill the PC(s).                        sage.   Now go!

                         AKANE FUJIHAMA                         PART 4     “Report”
          This is different.  Usually when I am greeted by the
         Nakatashi, it is Tagaki; alone.  To what do I owe this   Location: Nakatashi Castle
                              assembly?                            The PC(s) have returned to the Nakatashi Castle.
                        FUJIHAMA GUARD                          After finding Mei Nakatashi, they should tell her eve-
           The Nakatashi say they have a scroll for you from    rything that happened at the Fujihama Estate.
          Okusan (in translation "one who remains at home")
                            Mei Nakatashi.                      GM NOTE: Should the PC(s) report not include this
                                                                information, Mei Nakatashi will ask the following
                        AKANE FUJIHAMA
         Well, why didn’t you just take it and deliver it to me?
                                                                Who: ...was present when the letter was read?
                        FUJIHAMA GUARD
           They insist that Okusan Nakatashi demanded that      What: ...was Akane Fujihama’s attitude like after
                       they alone give it to you.               reading the message?
             Akane Fujihama gives a hesitant and skeptical      Where: ...did Akane Fujihama read the letter?
         pause to the group as she looks them over.  As she
         steps toward the group she calls the guards to atten-  When: Tagaki Nakatashi coming home?
         tion.  Her guards tighten up stepping into a ready po-  Why: ...did Akane Fujihama agree to sending Tagaki

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