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reveals a piece of paper.  She takes a moment to read   leaving the castle.  Her stoic focus has lead the team
         it before addressing the group.                        this far.

                         MEI NAKATASHI
                                                                   After a short, brisk walk the group is outside the
         It is a contract.  This ninja is a user of the “Mind Con-  Fujihama Estate gate.
         trol” Mystic Art Techniques.  My son was his victim.
                                                                                 MEI NAKTASHI
         GM NOTE: If the ninja escapes.
                                                                   We will find Akane Fujihama.  Be very careful.
            Through a series of intricate, evasive movements    Alerting the guards will mean a confrontation or even
         the ninja dives passed the group, out of the window     certain death.  Be cautious, stay close and move si-
         and onto the rooftop.  Mei Nakatashi races to the win-                        lently.
         dow only to see the ninja fleeing across the shingles   GM NOTE: The PC(s) should follow Mei Nakatashi
         and out of sight.                                      through the Estate until they find Akane Fujihama
            She let’s out a grunt of frustration as she leaning
         out of the window watching this action.  She slams     PART 7     “Eliminate the Guards”
         her fist onto the window sill, and as she does that a
         piece of paper floats up and slowly cascades down.     Location: Fujihama Estate
         Mei Nakatashi catches it out the air.  She opens it and      The group has found where Akane Fujihama is.
         takes a moment to read it.                             In front of her door stand two guards, the same two
                                                                guards from the first visit.  Through the Shoji wall,
                         MEI NAKATASHI
                                                                Akane Fujihama’s silhouette can be seen brushing
          It is a contract.  This ninja is a user of Mind Control   her hair to get ready for bed.
            Mystic Art Techniques.  My son was his victim.
              Gather your gear.  We will go to Hakodate.                        MEI NAKATASHI

         PART 5b.  “To Catch the Perpetrator”                    I need you to distract the two guards to enabling me
                                                                            to confront Akane Fujihama.
         Location: Nakatashi Castle
                                                                GM NOTE: The PC(s) should devise a plan that will
            Mei Nakatashi stews in anger leaving the PC(s) in   distract or eliminate the guards quickly and silently.
         a state of uncertainty.  Her eyes indicate that her mind
         is working through the situation.  A particular amount   PART 8  “The Kidnapping of Akane Nakatashi”
         of time passes, and she finally addresses the group.   Location: Fujihama Estate
                         MEI NAKATASHI                             As the last guard falls to the floor Mei Nakatashi

         Everyone in this room will accompany me to the Fuji-   steps up to Akane Fujihama’s door motioning with
         hama Estate.  Akane Fujihama must be dealt with for    her hand for the PC(s) to join her.
         her transgressions against my son and my family.  As
           Nakatashi-san is away on business, it is I who will                  MEI NAKATASHI
         lead this mission.  I expect that there may be confron-  I want you to go in there, and kidnap Akane Fujiha-
         tation ahead, so arm your selves well.  Meet me at the   ma.  Place this rag in her mouth.  Use this rope to
                    gate.  We will go to Hakodate.
                                                                     bind her, and place this sack over her head.
         PART 6     “Hide and Seek”                                Mei Nakatashi hands the PC a rag, 4ft. of rope

         Location: Fujihama Estate                              and a sack.
            After gathering the gear the PC(s) feel is required   GM NOTE: The PC(s) should devise a plan that will
         to complete this mission, the PC(s) should meet Mei    result in the silent capture of Akane Fujihama.
         Nakatashi at the front door of the Nakatashi Castle.    GM NOTE: Akane Fujihama will scream if the PC
         She inspects the group, and without a word leads       (s) attempt is unsuccessful.   A second failed attempt
         them out the door and on with their mission.           will cause her to scream again.  This final scream

            It is night time. The ride across the strait was a   will alert 1D6 guards who will arrive at the scene in
         silent one.  Mei Nakatashi has not said a word since   1D4 melee rounds.

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