P. 52
Dimensions: 74ft.x70ft.x12ft. In the study, characters may encounter a simple room
A stone wall that surrounds the compound as a way with a desk in it. On top of the desk is a coin purse
to not only mark the territory, but keep out those who containing 25 Hantasu. There is a stool and a chest
would damage the property. This wall is 12ft. High, that is locked with an Hard lock. This room has two
1.5 ft. thick and comprised of stone. The gate doors windows.
are 8ft. tall and 1ft. thick. D6: Dining Room
B: HORSE STABLE The dining area of the house contains a centered table
Dimensions: 13ft.x18ft.x13ft. and sitting places for up to six individuals. Atop the
Horse stable may have a maximum of three horses table is the remains of a dinner, and utensils used for
inside. Outside of the stable is a large cart containing eating. This room has three windows.
six bags full of grain. E: GUEST HOUSE
C: DOJO Dimensions: 20ft.x15ft.9ft.
Dimensions: 23ft.x33ft.x12ft. This one level structure may house up to two guests
The dojo is where several of the guards may train (0ne per room) and their belongs which may be
their skills. This structure also functions as a shelter stored in the chest or drawers.
for guards of the Fujihama, and may have up to 1D8 E1: Guest Room #1
intermediate level characters within. This room will contain a small bed, a broom, a table
D: MAIN HOUSE (Level 1) and a lockable chest, secured by a Normal lock.
Dimensions: 28ft.x32ft.x22ft. E2: Guest Room #2
This structure is the living quarters of the Fujihama. This room will contain a small bed, a broom, a table
Akane Fujihama is the sole survivor of the Fujihama and a lockable chest, secured by a Normal lock.
family, who have mysteriously disappeared. She sin- F: BRIDGE
gle handedly maintains the function of the property Dimensions: 8ft.x5ft.x3ft. Above water level
and the family business of landscaping. The beauti- This wooden bridge stretches over the serenity pond,
ful home is a two level structure and is surrounded by and allows access to the guest house. This bridge is
a four foot wide porch. the center piece of the areas landscaping. Stones,
D1: Entrance trees, and bushes are purposefully positioned around
This area of the Main House is the opening for the the area to attract the eye and provide a sense calm to
home. In this area the double doors lead into or out those who take in its natural beauty.
of the home. In this area are a flight of stairs. To the G:SERENITY POND
right of the stairs is a single door. Dimensions: 5ft. deep.
D2: Kitchen The pool of water gives accent to the landscaping of
In the kitchen area characters may encounter the the area. It is filled with several types of fish.
kitchen. Two tables, a wall hung book shelf contain- H:WELL
ing several recipe books, logs for burning. There are Dimensions: 40ft. Deep.
several knives and other cooking utensils . Charac-
ters may also find ingredients used for cooking in this
area. This well ventilated room has three windows.
D3: Bathing Room
In the bathing room characters may find a large,
stone bathing tub filled with water. A bench and a
basket that may contain coals or logs to burn and
keep the water warm. This room has two windows.
D4: Foyer
This area provides access to the various rooms of the
house. On the far wall, is a mounted boars head. The mother, Mei Nakatashi