P. 55

ELDER QUEST                                            GM NOTE: Have the PC(s) roll 1D4 for each of the
                                                                following attributes: MOV, STR, STA, DEF and CAR.
         “Disrespected”                                         Subtract the number cast from the PC(s) attribute to

                                                                determine exactly how fatigued they are from train-
         Requirements: Advanced Level                           ing.

         NPC Characters of Contact                                            GENREI NAKATASHI
            -Genrei Nakatashi                                    If you feel as though you can pass my test you may
                                                                  stay.  However, if you feel as though you will not
            -Gataki Nakatashi                                     pass, spare yourself the embarrassment, and leave.
            -Tagaki Nakatashi                                   There is no shame in leaving, however, failure is un-
            -Utesemi Minamota                                      Genrei Nakatashi pauses his walk, and gives time

            -Aodaisho Fighters                                  to let his words permeate the minds of his students.
                                                                Some of the students begin to quietly reflect on their
                                                                current condition.  Others begin whispering to one
            -Nakatashi Compound                                 another about whether they should remain in the

            -Nakatashi District                                 room due to their fatigue.  After discussions, most of
                                                                the students bow to Genrei Nakatashi and his sons,
                                                                and exit the training facility.
            -Tohoku Prefecture, Fukushima; 80°
                                                                   The rustle of students has ended leaving the train-
            -Tohoku Prefecture, Aomori; 83°                     ing hall quieter than it has even been.  Only those that
                                                                have  chosen to stay are in the hall now, and an anx-
                                                                ious calm takes over the room.  Genrei Nakatashi fi-
            A neighboring martial arts dojo has been spread-    nally turns around and takes a single step forward,
         ing the rumor that they have beaten the Nakatashi in a   finally looking over the group in his eye he fights
         previous tournament and should be known as the true    back a sense of pride.
         champions of the Tohoku Prefecture.  In response,
         Genrei Nakatashi has assembled some students and                     GENREI NAKATASHI
         arranged a tournament between the two schools to        I commend those of you who believe they are strong
                                                                 enough to pass this test without knowing what you
         settle the matter.                                      are going to have to endure.  I have confidence that
                                                                Samura-kai has prepared you for this trail.  If you are
         PART 1     “Trials of Genrei Nakatashi”                             ready, we will begin now.

         Location: Nakatashi Compound                           PART 2a    “The Log and I pt.1”

            The PC(s) are in the training facility practicing.  It   Location: Nakatashi Castle
         is an intense session that has pushed several students
         to break by sitting against the wall covered in sweat.        Gataki and Takai Nakatashi run to the oppo-
         Interrupting the kyai shouts, grunts, pants and other   site side of the room to a large cabinet that stretches
         sounds of exertion the lead instructor announces the   to the ceiling.  This ominous cabinet has never been
         arrival of Master Genrei Nakatashi who is flanked by   opened before and has become the source of rumors
         his sons Tagaki and Gataki Nakatashi.  The training    of long ago.  Tagaki Nakatashi places a key in the
         students separates to their closet side of the floor and   lock that secures the cabinet and gives a nod to his
         stand still and at attention to give way for the Naka-  twin brother who places both hands on the doors of
         tashi masters.   Genrei Nakatashi paces the dojo floor   the cabinet and braces it closed.  In one motion,
         with his sons in tow as he addresses the student body   Tagaki Nakatashi twists the key, unlocking the cabi-
         not once making eye contact with anyone in the facil-  net, and joins his brother by pushing against the cabi-
         ity.                                                   net.

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