P. 60

Aodaisho Technique Chart
                                                                   The competition is over, and the winner is de-
         -Attack Heights: Medium    -Kicking Tech: Axe Kick
                                                                clared.  Both groups are respectful of each other.
         -Attack Heights: Low       -Front Throw Tech: Hip      Though rivalries have emerged.  The leaders are qui-
         -Attack Heights: High                                  et.  Utesemi Minamota is tending to his men.  Final-
                                    -Sacrifice Throw Tech: Front   ly, he looks over his shoulder toward the Nakatashi.
         -Falling Tech: Break Fall
                                    -Striking Tech: Ridge Hand
         -Special Tech: Jump                                                  UTESEMI MINAMOTA
                                    -Kicking Tech: Back Snap     Nakatashi-san.  I hope you will join us for a celebra-
         -Speciual Tech: Spin
                                    -Leg Joint Lock Tech:         tory dinner.  In fact, I insist.  Please, your men may
         -Non-Proj Tech:                   Knee Bar              use our bath house to freshen up, and join us in our
         Proper Grip I                                                              dining hall.
                                    -Arm Joint Lock Tech:
         -Non-Proj Tech: Proper        Arm Bar                  GM NOTE: While visiting the bath house, charac-
         Grip III                                               ters receive +20 HEA.
                                    -Striking Tech: Back Hand
         -Striking Tech: Jab
                                    -Kicking Tech: Side Snap    PART 8   “Post Fight”
         -Kicking Tech: Front Snap
                                    -Guard Grnd Pos: Reversal   Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Fukushima
         -Standing Grapple Tech: Front
                                    Arm Joint Lock Tech:             In the dining hall of the Aodaisho, a large ban-
         -Standing Grapple Tech: Side
                                    Dislocate                   quet table is laid out with nearly everything  person
         -Striking Tech: Hook Punch
                                    -Close Qtr Striking Tech:   could want to eat.  The Aodaisho are already seated
         -Kicking Tech:                 Roundhouse Elbow        when the Nakatashi group enters from their relaxing
                                    -Kicking Tech: Crescent     time in the bath house.  Utesemi MInamota motions
         -Front Throw Tech: Hip                                 to the table.
         Throw                      -Choke Tech: Lapel
                                    -Choke Tech: Trunk                        UTESEMI MINAMOTA
         -Side Throw Tech:
         Sweeping Loin              -Close Qtr Striking Tech:            Yes.  Please.  Nakatashi.  Sit here.
                                    Downward Elbow
         -Striking Tech: Knife Hand                                As the Naktashi take their seats across the table
                                    -Kicking Tech: Groin Kick   from Aodaisho, Utesemi Minamota motions for a
         -Kicking Tech: Hook Kick
                                    -Arm Joint Lock: Shoulder   servant girl to give the group a drink of Amazake.
         -Mnt Grnd Pos Tech: Top
                                    -Choke Tech: Triangle                     UTESEMI MINAMOTA
         -Guard Grnd Pos: Bottom Full
                                                                A toast to the Nakatashi warriors who's rich tradition
         -Striking Tech: Vertical Punch                              has spawn excellence in the region.  Drink!
         Aodaisho Mystic Arts                                   GM NOTE: Ask players if they will partake in alco-
                                                                holic beverages.  Not drinking with the Aodaisho will
            •  Dash
                                                                been seen as disrespectful, and cause an argument
            •  Marathon                                         that may lead to violence.  Use the rules of Alcohol
                                                                found on page 28 of the Ninja vs. Samurai RPG GM
                                                                Manual.  Continue to serve the Nakatashi
                                                                (Specifically the PCs) drinks until they are inebriat-
                                                                ed.  Once all of the PC(s) are effected by the bever-
                                                                ages, proceed to the next part of this quest.
                                                                PART 9      “The Plan All Along”

                                                                Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Fukushima

                                                                   The Nakatashi have fallen victim to the potency
                                                                of the drinks that have been served.  Through cloudy
                                              Tagaki Nakatashi   vision and delayed response, the PC(s) observe

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