P. 63

PART 11    “Maternal Instincts”                        them walks Genrei and Mei Nakatashi.  Now that the
                                                                effects of the Aodaisho drinks have worn off, Genrei
         Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Fukushima
                                                                Nakatashi is back to his old self.
            The group has made their way to a determined                      GENREI NAKATASHI
         exit point and can sense victory, when an order to fire
                                                                  There you are.  I wanted to thank you personally.
         rings out.  Suddenly, from the wall, several arrows hit   After our recent harrowing experience.  Not only did
         the ground directly in front of their feet.              you fight bravely in the tournament, but navigate
                                                                  both yourself and me to safety.  My family cannot
            Aodaisho guards stand at the ready to fire a sec-      thank you enough.  If there is anything you need
         ond volley of arrows.  Utesemi Minamota shouts to      from the Nakatashi family know that we will not hes-
         the Nakatashi from the distance.                         itate to assist you.  Also, I wanted you to have this
                                                                 and want you to know that I am personally grateful
                       UTESEMI MINAMOTA                           for your efforts.  Continue your training, and may

          There is no escape!  It is over!  Surrender Nakatashi,   you grow strong under the rising sun of this nation.
           or my guards will put an end to you, and have you    GM NOTE: Rewards
                   buried before the sun comes up!                 -Experience Points= TBD
            Utesemi Minamota releases an obnoxiously bois-         -Points of Renown= TBD
         terous laugh.  During his bellow, arrows unsuspect-       -Ki Energy= TBD
         ingly strike the archers who are standing guard on the      -Hansatsu= 500
         wall.  With a brief instant of disbelief, they fall from      -Kaze No Wakizashi
         their position from the top of the wall to the ground,   Weight   AtP    Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
         dead.  On top a nearby hill, Mei, Nakatashi has lead a
         team of Nakatashi to the Aodaisho compound to aid         .8      18      0     150      1      2      1
         the escape of her beloved husband and his students.
         Mei Nakatashi has another arrow in the ready position   POWER: +1 Control Roll advantage.  With a suc-
         and is pointing it at Utesemi Minamota.                cessful Critical Hit the wakizashi traps the target's
                                                                feet in the surface immobilizing them for 1D4 melee
                         MEI NAKATASHI                          rounds.
            She let’s her arrow fly as her Nakatashi students
         storm the Aodaishi compound.  The arrow soars
         through the air and finds its home in the chest of a
         perplexed Utesemi Minamota.
         GM NOTE: As the Nakatashi troops storm the com-
         pound the PC(s) should focus on getting Genrei Na-
         katashi to safety.  Afterwards they may join the fray.
         However, the GM may conclude this battle with the
         completion of getting Genrei Nakatashi to safety.

         PART 12         “Thank You for Being A Friend”

         Location: Nakatashi Castle
            A new day has come and the sun is high and
         bright in the sky.  Birds sing in the trees, and every-
         one around the Nakatashi Castle seems to be in high
         spirits.  As the PC(s) navigate through the district a
         double line of their fellows stops them.  The men part
         ways standing shoulder-to-shoulder and between                                                 Mei Nakatashi

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