P. 59

GENREI NAKATASHI                                       UTESEMI MINAMOTA

          No matter, we came for a tournament.  I assembled      This competition is to determine which school is the
          my men as we agreed, and travelled to your home—        Tohoku Region champion.  The rules are simple.
                                                                The first combatant to land 10 blows against the oth-
                       UTESEMI MINAMOTA                         er will be declared the victor.  In the event that a per-

                     Do you not want to rest first?               son is rendered unconscious before ten blows are
                                                                   scored, that person is declared the winner.  The
                       GENREI NAKATASHI                           school with the most victories will be named the
          No.  The Nakatashi are ready to end this foolishness.    champoion.  You are welcome to use any technique
                        The sooner, the better.                    that you know as this contest is no holds barred.
                                                                  Good luck to both sides, may the best school win.
                       UTESEMI MINAMOTA
                                                                   With that address,  Utesemi Nakatashi calls his
         Very well then.  Come inside.  We will begin momen-
                                tarily.                         first fighter to come forward.
             Utesemi Minamota rudely turns his back to his      GM NOTE: Utesemi Nakatashi has four warriors to
         Nakatashi visitors and walks into the building he was   chose from of which he will announce their name as
         standing in front of.  The Aodaisho group follows      they begin.  Roll on the chart below to select the war-
         Utesemi Minamota into the building.  Genrei Naka-      rior who will compete for the Aodaisho team.  All
         tashi leads his team inside the building after the     fighter will use the aforementioned techniques on the
         Aodaisho.  He pauses for a beat and turns to his stu-  following page.
         dents.                                                 Aodaisho Fighters

                       GENREI NAKATASHI                         1. Tatsuo Najo                  Ki Energy: 705
          Keep your wits about you.  There’s something in the     HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
                         air that I do not trust.

         PART 7     “For All the Marbles”                          130   3     3    7      6     6    4     5    6

         Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Fukushima                 2. Shun Sano                    Ki Energy: 707
             The rival school was  standing in front of the        HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
         Aodaisho training hall.  Inside, the floors show signs      110   4   5     4     4     5    5     4    6
         of a recent cleaning.  The Aodaisho take one side of   3. Akira Fujihama               Ki Energy: 700
         the floor leaving the Nakatashi to occupy the other.
         Ahead of the students sits Utesemi Minamota with a        HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
         student wearing a black belt standing to his left.  The      116   5   5   7      4     6    4     5    4
         Aodaisho students stand poised, disciplined and tight,
         but ready.                                             4. Genma Tennin                 Ki Energy: 692
                                                                  HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
                       UTESEMI MINAMOTA

         Nakatashi-san, join me here.  Our students will show-    118    3     4    7      4     6    5     5    3
          case their abilities defending the names and honor of
          our schools.  In the event that a tie needs to be decid-
                    ed, the two of us will compete.
             Genrei Nakatashi bows in agreement, and takes a
         seat next to Utesemi Minamota.  His son, Takagi Na-
         katashi accompanies him leaving Gataki Nakatashi
         with the rest of the student fighters.  The door to the
         training hall closes with a loud and echoing thud.  A
         bit of sunlight peers through the windows to provide
         light accompanying the lit scones mounted on the
         wall.                                                                        Genrei, Gataki and Tagaki Nakatashi

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