P. 61
Utesemi Minamota stand up and walk behind Genrei Several of the Aodaisho students are stunned at
Nakatashi. The noise in the room grows louder as the the amount of power displayed by The Nakatashi
Aodaisho ramp up their celebrative exuberance. A Master causing them to pause. Genrei Nakatashi
look at the twins and the PC(s) notice they seem inca- struggles to maintain his balance and speaks incoher-
pacitated by their partaking. A cocky look takes over ently trying to direct his students.
Utesemi Minamota’s face, and he crouches down GENREI NAKATASHI
closely to Genrei Nakatashi amidst cheers from his
Aodaisho students. He shifts his gaze between Gen- Everyone... We… must… escape!
rei Nakatashi’s eyes as a sly smile grows on his face Genrei Nakatashi attempts to lead the others to
as he focuses on one eye, then the other. safety, but stumbles and falls on all fours. Groggily
he shakes his head , and purposefully places his foot
to lift himself off the ground stumbling forward for a
Ohh, master! I believe you and your friends have had few steps toward the door.
a bit ‘too much to drink’, eh? Gen-rei… you want to
know the truth? I really did not care what happened The PC(s) look back and can see the Aodaisho
with our playful little tournament. Win or lose, you students tending to Utesemi Minamota. Quickly, a
were going to die. This was the moment I was wait-
ing for. What, you think that was Amazake you were few of the Nakatashi students gather their Master off
drinking? I had my girls add something special for the floor. The group scampers out of the room.
your drinks; a little at a time. An Extreme Concoc- From inside the room, the party can hear Utesemi
tion of Illness. Combined with the alcohol, you my Minamota order the Aodaisho.
friend, are in bad shape.
Ceremoniously, one of Utesemi Minamota’s Gei- UTESEMI MINAMOTA
sha brings him a Tanto on a pillow. She presents the After them you fools! The Nakatashi cannot be
weapon, and offers him a deep bow before he takes permitted to escape.
the blade. She backs away from him graciously, dis- PART 10 “Escape”
playing another respectful bow.
Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Fukushima
Utesemi MInamota unsheathes the blade and ad- The group has exited the building and, in their
mires it twisting it under the light of the room as the less aware state, have luckily found a bush to hide
shimmer runs up and down the blade.
behind. The Aodaisho students run out of the build-
UTESEMI MINAMOTA ing, and stands at the doorway looking for the group
Simple isn’t? Not the blade, the situation. All you of Nakatashi.
have to do is challenge a man’s pride... or ‘legacy’,
and they come charging in, not paying attention to UTESEMI MINAMOTA
anything that may happen. Split up! Find them! A reward to the man that
brings them to me alive!
Utesemi Minamota approaches Genrei Nakatashi
with the blade. Just as Utemsei is in range, Master GM NOTE: The goal for the PC(s) is to use Stealth
Nakatashi performs the “Hyaku Kogeki” technique to find an exit the premises. Entering a structure on
out of desperation. In a flash, Genrei Nakatashi the compound will ensure that the group are discov-
throws a Jab Punch, Hook Punch combination from ered by Aodaisho. Genrei Nakatashi may slip in and
his seated position. Using the energy of his power he out of consciousness, therefore, he may need to be
achieves a standing position and continues his attack carried. If his assistance is required in a given situa-
with a Knife Hand, Vertical Punch and Ridge Hand tion, roll 1D4 Odds & Evens to determine if he is
followed by a Back Hand strike, Front Snap Kick and able to assist. Distribute the Aodaisho students
finally a Hook Punch. Several of his attacks are off throughout the compound map. When the group
target, but possess enough power to merely graze reaches an exit point, continue to Part 11.
Utesemi Minamota to knock him back and disarm
him. The Tanto slides across the floor and sticks into
the wall.