P. 56

                       GENREI NAKATASHI
                                                                 Congratulations.  You have passed this test as well.
          Your first test will be to carry these logs across the   Very good.  Those of you who were unable to com-
           floor set them down, then pick them up and return                    plete the task; leave!
                them to the cabinet within 60 seconds.
                                                                   As the students who did not pass exit, Genrei Na-
             The twins hastily move away from the cabinet
         doors and allow the weight of the logs to force the    katashi gives the remaining group an inspection.  He
         doors open.  The logs crash to the ground atop each    reaches for a student who is bent over at the waist
         other with an intimidating thud and roll forward be-   and breathing heavily.  He stops in front of that stu-
         fore coming to a resting stop.  Genrei Nakatashi huffs   dent.  With a gentle placement of two fingers under
                                                                the student’s chin, stands the student up.
         as he watches his students’ reaction.
                                                                              GENREI NAKATASHI
         GM NOTE: Log Wgt.=6 (Figure what the avg. Sam-
                                                                If you think that trial was exhausting, what I’m going
         ura-kai student would have for a CAR attribute to      to ask you to do next, is going to seem a bit irrational.
         determine the Log Wgt.)                                  This will be your final trial.  In this, you will spar,
                       GENREI NAKATASHI                         one round verse either of my sons.  Please know that
                                                                I do not expect you to win.  Currently, they are in far
                      Your time begins… NOW!                     better condition than any of you, physically, and far
         GM NOTE: As proper GM play would have it, do            more advanced in their training.  Your task is to not
                                                                       win, but survive and remain conscious.
         not answer PC(s) questions.  Instead, equate asking
         questions about the log, distance, situation, etc. with   PART 2c    “Nakatashi Attack”
         wasting time, where Genrei Nakatashi will notice the   Location: Nakatashi Castle
         students standing around pondering the action, in-        Genrei calls all of the participants to the middle
         stead of doing that which the task calls for.          of the dojo floor.  Gataki and Tagaki Nakatashi bow

                       GENREI NAKATASHI                         to the PC(s).  As they turn away from each other Ga-
          Fantastic.  You made it within the allotted time.  For   taki Nakatashi gives the PC(s) a confident and cocky
         those of you who couldn’t perform, leave!  I am truly   grin.
         impressed with those who did complete the test, how-
                 ever...  Now smash it.  Smash the log.                       GENREI NAKATASHI
                                                                                   Let us begin!
         PART 2b     “The Log and I pt.2”
                                                                GM NOTE: You may either ask for volunteers,
         Location: Nakatashi Castle                             chose a PC(s) to fight or number the PC(s) and roll
                                                                an appropriate die to select the contestant.
             The group stands in front of Genrei Nakatashi
         taken off guard by his latest request.  The log they   GM NOTE: Roll 1D4 Odds & Evens to determine if
         have carried is a heavy, dense piece of timber that, in   the PC will verse Gataki (Odd) or Takagi (Even) Na-
         its current state seems unbreakable.  Sweat drips      katashi.  Any damage the NPC receives remains
         from their face due to the excruciating difficulty of   verse all the PC(s).  Use the NPC sheets for Tagaki
         the previous task.                                     and Gataki Nakatashi found on pages 67-68 or 69-
                                                                70, respectively to utilize the available techniques for
         GM NOTE: Roll 1D4 to perform an Odds & Evens
         “Attribute Test” to determine if the previous trial has   each character.
         left them weaker due to lactic acid build up.  If the      After the competition, Genrei Nakatashi will ad-
         outcome is positive, subtract 1 from the character’s   dress the fighters.
         STR attribute.                                                       GENREI NAKATASHI

         GM NOTE: The Log has a LiE of 15.  Using a limit        Excellent!  I have my team.  Go and get yourselves
         of the character’s remaining STA as chances, the PC    some medical attention if need be.  You’ll be no good
         (s) must break the log to move on to the next trial.    to me in such poor conditions.  Once you’re healed,
                                                                gather your effects and meet me in the Shukuba at the
                                                                tavern.  We will celebrate, and I will tell you what we
                                                                             are going to embark upon.
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