P. 57

GM NOTE: The PC(s) may receive medical atten-                        GENREI NAKATASHI
         tion to bring themselves back to 100% health, then      Now that you have assembled here, I want to inform
         allow them an opportunity to gather the equipment      you of what we are undertaking.  Recently, the Naka-
         they believe they will need for this mission, before   tashi name has come under attack.  The group known
         they meet Genrei Nakatashi at the Shukuba Tavern.       as the Aodaisho has begun spreading rumors in our
                                                                district that we have been dishonorable in promoting
         GM NOTE: Rewards                                        ourselves as the best martial arts school in Northern
                                                                 Honshu.  The claim is that during a match between
                -Points of Renown= 500                          myself and their leader, a man named Utesemi Mina-
                                                                 mota, I not only used a banned technique, but that I
         PART 3     “Made the Cut”                               also bribed the judges to ensure I would emerge vic-
         Location: Nakatashi Castle Shukuba
                                                                 These claims have been made in attempt to soil the
             As the PC(s) approach the Shukuba, they see         Nakatashi name, and change the landscape of power
         Genrei, Gataki and Takagi Nakatashi standing out-       in our region.  Recently I have contacted Minamota
                                                                  and the Aodaisho to ask that they cease and desist
         side of the Shukuba.  They are surrounded by citizens   their slanderous methods.  This request was met with
         of the district who appear to be admiring the head       aggression and denial, where Minamota issued a
         elders of the area.  The gentleness being displayed to   challenge to our school.  I have decided to oblige.
         the towns folk is refreshing, yet is a stark contrast to   This group has been assembled because you are the
         the stern personality the met while enduring the tasks     best possible representation of the Nakatashi.
         of the trial.                                            Tomorrow, we will journey to Aodaisho and meet
                                                                 them in tournament style combat.  This combat will
             Genrei Nakatashi notices his pupils approaching     be in front of the public.  Emerging victorious is our
         and turns his attention to them allowing his sons to    main concern.  Rest up.  Our journey will take us to
         cater to the citizens.  Shortly, the twins are able to     Fukushima, and we will leave in the morning.
         break away from their constituents and the large par-     With a beacon, the tavern owner is allowed to
         ty moves inside the tavern to a table large enough for   come to the table and take orders. Genrei, Tagaki and
         everyone.  The group makes up the only customers,      Gataki Nakatashi rise from the table and leave allow-
         and though the owner is excited to see his guests      ing the group to continue their festivities.
         Genrei Nakatashi politely tells him to pause his ser-  GM NOTE: After the PC(s) receive their meal, they
         vice using a raise of his hand.  With the restauranter   may leave and carry on until the next day when it is
         patiently waiting, Genrei Nakatashi addresses the      time to venture to the Aodaisho dojo.

                  1D8       TYPE       HEA  CAR  STR           DEF     STA  MOV  STE  AWA  OBD

                   1        Noma        100     17       6       1       3      14      1       3       5

                   2      Dosanko       100      3       5       2       3      12      3       1       4

                   3       Taisho       100      9       2       7       4      5       4       3       4

                   4       Taisho       100     10       3       7       4      9       4       7       3

                   5        Noma        100     12       5       6       1      10      1       7       5

                   6        Kiso        100      6       9       7       2      12      1       8       5

                   7      Dosanko       100     11       3       8       4      12      4       2      12

                   8        Noma        100     14       4       8       3      16      3       5       5

   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62