P. 58

PART 4     “Choose Your Ride II”                       PART 6      “At the Door of the Enemy”

         Location: Nakatashi Shukuba Horse Stable               Location: Tohoku Prefecture; Fukushima

            Genrei Nakatashi is standing at the horse stable of      It has been a long ride to Fukushima yet the
         the Nakatashi Shukuba waiting for the PC(s) to ar-     group has arrived in good health and spirits.  Despite
         rive.  When the PC(s) approach the stable, Genrei      the journey, the group feels ready to take on the chal-
         Nakatashi will instruct them to select a horse.  Al-   lenge at hand.  The group makes their way through
         ready mounted on their steeds, Gataki and Tagaki       the city of Fukushima and along a road that leads
         Nakatashi await the PC(s) as well.                     some five miles outside of the city limits.

         GM NOTE: PC(s) roll 1D8 on the chart from page            After several minutes down a narrow, winding,
         55 to select a horse.  Should the PC(s) already own a   dirt road lined by tall bamboo trees or tall grass the
         horse from a previous quest (ex: Something Old, Part   group arrives at a large gate.  Genrei Nakatashi dis-
         2: “Choose Your Ride”) they may employ it instead
         of rolling the die. All Non-PC owned horses may be     mounts from his horse, walks to the gate, and gives a
         purchased at any time.                                 strong rap against the solid, wooden structure.
            Now mounted on their horses the group heads            The door opens, seemingly automatically, and the
         toward the Aodaisho school.                            group is met with loud drumming and syncopated
                                                                huffing.  Genrei Nakatashi chuckles to himself, and
         PART 5     “Join the Party”
                                                                motions for the group to follow him inside.
         Location: TBD by GM                                       Genrei Nakatashi leads the team through the

         GM NOTE: This is an Optional part of this quest.       compound as if he has been inside of these walls pre-
                                                                viously.   He walks with purpose and each step seems
            As the PC(s) and Nakatashi family ride through
         the wilderness, a rustling in the nearby brush is      to be urgent.  Finally, the group stops in front of a
         (Undetected or detected).  This sound catches the at-  large building, where several Aodaisho stand with
         tention of Genrei Nakatashi who commands everyone      Utesemi Minamota in the center.  Genrei Nakatashi
         to stop.                                               and Utesemi Minamota share a tense stare down.
                                                                              GENREI NAKATASHI
         GM NOTE: Number the PC(s) and assign an appro-
         priate die to select a player.  Genrei Nakatashi will        Are all of the theatrics really necessary?
         instruct the PC selected to inspect the sound.  After                UTESEMI MINAMOTA
         the PC goes into the brush, have them perform an         These “theatrics” as you call them are our way of
         Awareness Test to see if they find anything.  Genrei      life, Master.  Do not insult us in our own home.
         Nakatashi will insist that they continue to search un-     Genrei Nakatashi takes a moment to look around
         til they find something.                               and admire his surroundings with  smirk on his face
         Target STE= 2                                          and raise of his eyebrows.

            After searching around the brush the PC finds a                   GENREI  NAKATASHI
         naked woman. Who is lying down , and seemingly         Your home sure has grown since last I visited, Mina-
         disoriented.                                                                  mota.
                                                                              UTESEMI MINAMOTA
         GM NOTE: Use the Amoronagu “Girl Who Fell
         From Heaven” NPC sheet on page 141 of the Ninja                       It comes with success.
         vs. Samurai RPG GM Manual to play this character.                    GENREI NAKATASHI
                                                                                Well, it’s no castle.

                                                                   Utesemi Minamota flinches in anger.  Genrei Na-
                                                                katashi spies this action and celebrates with a silent
                                                                chuckle.  A verbal victory has been won.

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