P. 53

D: MAIN HOUSE (Level 2)
         Dimensions: 28ft..32ft..22ft.
         The second floor of the main house is reserved as the
         living quarters of the property owner.  Here charac-
         ters will find two rooms after walking up the stairs.
         The first is an open area room that does not have a
         door.  The other, is the master suite and is behind a                            D8
         door with a Normal Lock.
         D8: Akane Fujihama’s Second Room                                      D7
         This area is Akane’s childhood room.  She has recent-
         ly turned into a room for special guests.  In this room
         is a large bed, chest of drawers and a chest locked
         with a Normal Lock.   This room has six windows.                                  D9
         D9: Akane Fujihama’s Room
         In this room characters may encounter Akane Fujiha-
         ma behind a single door locked with a Hard Lock.  In
         this room is Akane’s personal desk and books can be                                     (Level 1)
         found here as well as her bed, wardrobe and desk.
         Atop her desk is $45.  This space was originally lived
         in by Akane’s parents.  This room has six windows.

                                                                              Gataki Mei and Tagaki Nakatashi  concept art

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