P. 48

0  Nakatashi home?                                     NAME: Ninja

         How: …long did you spend at the Fujihama Estate?       Attributes:                      Belt Level: Blue Belt
                         MEI NAKATASHI                           HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
          Excellent.  I thank you for your services.  You have   106    4     3     2     4     3    4     3    4
          done well for our family.  Without confrontation the
              situation has been resolved.  I give you this.    Techniques:              Ki Energy: 160

         GM NOTE: Rewards
                                                                -Attack Heights: High     -Standing Grapple Tech: Front
                -Experience Points= TBD
                                                                -Attack Heights: Medium   -Strike Tech: Hook Punch
                -Points of Renown= TBD                          -Attack Heights: Low      -Kicking Tech: Roundhouse
                -Hansatsu= 50                                   -Falling Tech: Break Fall   -Non-Proj Tech: Basic
                                                                                          Horizontal Strike
                                                                -Special Tech: Jump
         PART 5     “Guard Duty”                                                          -Non-Proj Tech: Vertical
                                                                -Special Tech: Spin       Strike
         Location: Nakatashi Castle                             -Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip I   -Striking Tech: Knife Hand
            A few days have passed since the PC(s) returned     -Non-Proj Tech: Proper        -Kicking Tech: Hook Kick
                                                                Grip III
         from the Fujihama Estate.  Around the property, and    -Unarmed Tech: Jab Punch   -Mount Grnd Pos Tech: Top
         even in the district, Tagaki Nakatashi has been seen   -Kicking Tech: Front Snap   -Guard Grnd Pos Tech: Full
         in the area acting as his usual standoffish self.                                Guard

            It is night time, and the PC(s) have been selected   Weapon: Basic Ninjato
         for guard duty at the Nakatashi Castle.  While per-    Weight    AtP    Rng     LiE    Mas     Vel    CoA
         forming this task, a shrill explodes through the halls    1      20       1     29       1      2      1
         of the castle.
                                                                Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding Roll
            After rushing to investigate the noise the PC(s)
         discover Tagaki Nakatashi holding a Tanto dagger to    PART 5a. “To Catch the Perpetrator”
         Mei Nakatashi as she struggles to keep him off of
         her.                                                   Location: Nakatashi Castle

                         MEI NAKATASHI                             The PC(s) notice some movement in the corner of
                                                                the room.  After noticing that they are discovered, a
           Don’t hurt him!  There’s something not right with    ninja hops from the ceiling and tries to escape the
            him!  Help me restrain him!  Use the bedding!
                                                                Nakatashi Castle.
         GM NOTE: Bedding can be used in the same man-          GM NOTE: If the ninja is caught...
         ner as ropes offering +2 to Hold Opponents.
                                                                   Mei Nakatashi walks to the ninja who is held
            Once Tagaki is restrained Mei Nakatashi rubs her    captive by the PC(s).  She is angry, and pulls a Tanto.
         fingers across his lips.  She inspects her fingers rub-  She places it firmly against the ninja’s throat, and
         bing her thumb over them in a circular motion.
                                                                gets close to his face.
                         MEI NAKATASHI
                                                                                MEI NAKATASHI
         An Extreme Concoction of some kind.  It has altered
         his perception of the world.  Only one person is sinis-  I will give you one chance to tell the truth.  Who
                                                                                     hired you?
                   ter enough to do this to my son.
                                                                    The night air falls quiet in anticipation.  The two
         GM NOTE: Perform an Awareness Test for the en-
         tire group.  In the corner, on the ceiling is a ninja   stare at each other for a brief moment.
         who has been controlling Tagaki through the use of                           NINJA
         the Mystic Art: Mind Control– Minions (Found on                           Ha!  Kill me.
         page 64 of the Ninja vs. Samurai RPG GM Manual)           Mei Nakatashi slits the ninja’s throat without hes-
         If anyone detects the ninja he will try to escape.
                                                                itation.  Without regard she reaches into his lapel and
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