P. 64
How to Play Nakatashi NPCs Gataki Nakatashi prefers to turn and walk
away from someone trying threatening him rather
Genrei Nakatashi
than display his martial arts skill. He is also willing
Genrei Nakatashi is an accomplished fighter who to let go of personal items to avoid confrontation.
literally fought his way to the top. Entering every The only thing worth fighting for according to the
tournament he could Nakatashi-san amassed notoriety young man is his family, but only to the certain de-
that resonated throughout Japan. Winning five tour- gree that the threat is no longer present. Gataki will
naments in one year Genrei Nakatashi may be the not personally seek revenge, nor pursue someone that
most decorated martial artist throughout Japan. With offended him and then escaped. He will, however,
his winnings and name spread throughout the country, accompany a family member that takes on this task,
Genrei Nakatashi used this sudden rise to frame to only to ensure their safety.
create a calling to his dojo of which has never been
matched. Tagaki Nakatashi
Genrei Nakatashi is a striker at his base. Utilizing Tagaki Nakatashi is abrasive and short tem-
both his Renzokuken and 10 Degree Black belt pered. His attitude stems from a life of trying, train-
Mystic Art against nearly every opponent, Genrei Na- ing and practicing only to have his abilities equal,
katashi defeats targets through the use of speed, and constantly compared, to his twin brother; some-
strength and an overwhelming amount of techniques. one he feels only gives minimal effort. His drive
comes from the celebrated accomplishment and leg-
Mei Nakatashi end that his father is. Trying to equal or surpass his
father’s accomplishments drives him. Even finding a
Mei Nakatashi is consummate samurai wife that
stayed home to take care of domestic duties and edu- woman to love was measured by the accomplish-
cate the twins, Gataki and Tagaki in their early years. ments of his father. Because his work ethic is so
She is humble, dutiful, and disciplined. Mei Naka- high, Tagaki Nakatashi believes he’s never found a
tashi also found time to master the Yumi, taking her student or training partner worthy of his expertise.
studies in Nakatashi Kyudo seriously. She is a cele- Feeling as though his twin cannot keep up, Tagaki
brated archer winning the Kyujutsu No Nakatashi hones his craft alone, and enters tournaments as a
several times (though some believe she won because measuring stick of his own abilities.
she is the wife of the master). Tagaki Nakatashi is a strike first, asks ques-
tions later type of man. He is a grappler who uses an
Mei Nakatashi is a true archer, and the best in Ja-
pan. Though she learned striking techniques, she enchanted Bo staff, and will allow prejudgment of his
opponent’s abilities or level of infraction to deter-
rarely utilizes these skills, appreciating the safety pro- mine which skills to employ verse the target identi-
vided by long distance.
Gataki Nakatashi
Gataki Nakatashi is the sweet son of Genrei
and Mei Nakatashi who seems to not be concerned
with anything. Though he is smart and aware his, low
level of care makes people think he is not. He enjoys
the company of his brother, but has always wanted
him to not be so tense. This attitude stems from a
lifetime of trying to get his brother to see things
through a more peaceful veil. Competition does not
inspire him; instead he enjoys quality company and
lavish living.
The Nakatashi Family