P. 38

GM NOTE: About the Kita no kuiru:

         Physical– 24K Golden pendant, 2.5” long fashioned
         in the shape of a feather.

         Historical– This pendant was designed by a jeweler
         in the area of Japan that is now known as Aomori.  It
         was given to the Nakatashi family as a gesture of
         good faith to Ryota Nakatashi.  The pendant was a
         symbol of leadership and worn by prominent figures
         in the area.  After the formation of the Japanese Em-
         pire, the Nakatashi kept the pendant.  However, the
         Kita no kuiru’s importance was lost to the current     PART 2     “Chose Your Ride”
         emblem of prominence, the Nakatashi Mondokoro.
                                                                Location: Nakatashi Compound Shukuba
         GM NOTE: Allow the PC(s) to discuss what they
         think should have been done, however, before they         Takagi and Gataki Nakatashi are standing at the
         can reach a conclusion Tagaki will interrupt.          horse stable of the Nakatashi Shukuba waiting for the
                                                                PC(s) to arrive.  When the PC(s) approach the stable
            Tagaki Nakatashi takes a long hard drink and        Takagi will be rush the event.
         slams his cup on the table when he finishes interrupt-
         ing the PC(s) as they give their opinion.                            TAKAGI NAKATASHI
                                                                   Perfect.  Quickly, select a horse so we may go.
                       TAGAKI NAKATASHI

         Stop.  Stop.  Gather your things.  We are embarking
         on a mission to make up for my brother’s earnest, yet   GM NOTE: PC(s) roll 1D8 on the chart below to
         fool-hearty, mistake.  Hurry now.  Meet us t the sta-  select a horse.  For future adventures, the PC may
                          ble in ten minutes.                   select this horse and continue to build the relation-
                                                                ship.  These horses may be purchased at any time.

                  1D8      TYPE        HEA  CAR  STR           DEF     STA  MOV  STE  AWA  OBD

                   1        Noma        100     17       6       1      3       14      1       3       5

                   2      Dosanko       100      3       5       2      3       12      3       1       4

                   3       Taisho       100      9       2       7      4       5       4       3       4

                   4       Taisho       100     10       3       7      4       9       4       7       3

                   5        Noma        100     12       5       6      1       10      1       7       5

                   6        Kiso        100      6       9       7      2       12      1       8       5

                   7      Dosanko       100     11       3       8      4       12      4       2      12

                   8        Noma        100     14       4       8      3       16      3       5       5

   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43